Chapter 12

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Parker's Pov

(Next day)

I wake up. I feel Katie still laying next to me. I see she turned the other way. I stand up. She looks so cute because she was sleeping on her stomach and laying on a teddy bear.

I walk to the window and start to climb down. When I get to about 6 feet above the fire escape I feel my hands slip. I didn't think anything of it. I've been on this ladder a lot of times. Then both my hands came of the bars. Then every thing went black.


Hunters Pov

I was playing with Lilly in the corner and then I heard a bang or something. I get up and walk to the window. I see Parker sleeping on the fire escape. I tell Heather. She walks up to the window and sees Parker. Her eyes get wide. Then I see her jump out the window and try to pick him up.

Heathers Pov

I see Parker unconscious. I try to pick him up. I can't he's to heavy. But he is not heavy. It's because I can't lift stuff. I eventually get him through the window and on to the floor. Then I say to Lilly and Hunter," watch him!" They nod and I leave.

Time Skip!

I get to the spare room where Katie is. I see her sleeping. I throw a pillow at her face and tell her to wake up. When she wakes up I tell her to come with me. We both climb down the ladder and get on to the fire escape.

Katie's Pov

I got on to the fire escape and into our room. Then I see Parker on the floor. I assume he fell off the ladder. Heather tells me to help him onto a bed. Then Heather checks his pulse. It was weak. I think of what to do. If we call 911 the sirens would go off and we would get in a lot of trouble. If we leave him here he will not get better.

Then I got a plan. I tell Heather that we can walk him to I bridge near her house and say he fell off of it instead of getting in a lot of trouble. But than we would contact his parents and they come to the hospital and when we have to leave we call a taxi or Parker's parents drive us back if they are nice enough.

Time Skip

We got to the bridge. I set him on the ground and waited while Heather calls 911. Then we wait in till they get here. When they get here they put him in the ambulance and ask us a lot of questions.

When they get ready to leave they told us to stand in the back of the ambulance. I see Parker with 2 iv's and people checking his heart and a lot of other stuff I don't understand. Then 1 comes over to ask," How do you know this person?" Heather said," I'm a good friend of his". Then I say," I'm his... girlfriend". Then I look over at Heather she had her mouth open in shock.

So ya that was chapter 12 hope you liked it! Sorry was thinking of deleting the book because people at my school had the same names as the characters in the story. But I'm not deleting it I'm keeping it and I will keep writing in it :3

Their little Butter Princesses (team crafted fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن