Chapter 3

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Katie's pov

(NOT when she was five) just making that clear :3

Katie's Pov

So ya now we are here... I go to middle school. I hate middle. So I have two friends form kindergarten. They are Heather and Parker. I love them so much! There like my only family. I live in a orphanage. With a lot of brats.

I don't like living here but I do get roommates. They are Lilly and Hunter. Lilly is 3 and Hunter is 4. I'm usually the one to take care of them but sometimes Heather and Parker help take care of them. Usually Parker is the one taking care of them with me because Heather is "to busy" to help, when she in the corner on her phone.

So I was walking from school with Parker and Heather when I saw the orphanage. I start feeling dread as I approach the building with them.

When we get inside I get out my key to my door. (Sorry idk what a orphanage looks like) we start walking up the stairs when we were stopped from the lady in charge of the orphanage. She said," Get out! Get out!". To Parker and Heather. They start to leave and go to their own houses. Then she yells at me to get upstairs to my room.

I ran upstairs. When I got to my door I opened it and shut the door quickly. I saw Hunter staring at me while Lilly was watching Tv. I sit next to Lilly and watch Tv.

Then I hear screaming coming from outside. Hunter sprints to the window and tells me to come over to the window.

I see Heather and Parker standing below telling me to come with them to hang out at there houses. I remember how sometimes I would get busted by a snitch. But I didn't care.

I look at Lilly and Hunter. They seem sad when I go somewhere with out them. I ask if they can come with us. Then Parker screams,"Yes!". Parker really likes them. He considers them as his little brother and sister. We where on the third floor but when I go out with them at night I hang on the the fire escape and climb down.

I help Hunter and Lilly to the edge of the fire escape. It was about a six foot drop so Heather and Parker help me down. Then I told Lilly and Hunter to jump.

Hunter jumped first. Me, Heather, and Parker get in a triangle ready to catch him. When he hit all three of us we caught him. Heather carried off of us and set him down.

Then Lilly said," I don't want to jump!". She covered eyes with her hands. So we got closer. She was still standing there. Then Parker said," Come on buddy! You have to jump! We promise we will catch you!". She trusted Parker, obviously. She uncovered her eyes and started to jump. We caught her and Parker set her down.

Then we starter to walk to Heathers house. Her house was about two blocks away.

Time Skip!

We got to Heathers house and I checked the time. It was 4:48. Then I remembered we had to be back to the orphanage at 7:15. That was when by law the owner had to check all the rooms and take attendance. That was how I got in trouble.

Time skip!

I looked at the time it was 7:04. Then I remembered we had to be back at 7:15. I grabbed Parker's shirt and pulled him over to where I was and said," We have to go to the orphanage." Then he knew what I was talking about. He screamed for Lilly and Hunter. When they came me and him started to bolt down the street with Hunter holding onto my hand and Lilly holding onto Parker's hand.

Are we going to make it?

So ya that was chapter 3! Sorry for not posting yesterday had a writers block but I'm at it again and Team crafted might be appearing in the next chapter Hint Hint! Ok byeeeeeee! Lol :3

Their little Butter Princesses (team crafted fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora