I made my bed, and set Frank down on a box, trying to make sure that he was 'comfortable' I dropped some fish-food in Ray's tank, and didn't worry about Mikey, Uncle would give him food, as long as I left the door open so Mikey could remind him. 

I looked in the corner, seeing that I forgot to wash my clothes, so I decided to wear the other option. I grabbed some black pants, and shiny black dress shoes. I also grabbed a black dress shirt and a red tie. I looked in the mirror and straightened my jacket and ruffled up my hair. 

I scurried off to the bathroom to pee, and to brush my teeth. Once I was finished, I swung my bag over my shoulder and yelled that I was leaving for school, before stepping out into the cold. I walked down the sidewalk, looking at my breath, yes, it was so cold that I could see it. 

Sitting at the bus stop, I waited for my bus. I kicked my feet back and forth, they couldn't reach the ground when I sat on the bench. "It's my birthday, it's my birthday." I sang. 

With a hissing sound, the bus pulled up and came to a stop. The door opened up and I climbed in. I looked over at kids, who were looking at me weird. Some moved their books in the way so I couldn't sit next to them, others, looked the other way, or tried to make it look like they were saving the seat for someone else. I knew they really weren't, my house was the last stop for the morning for this bus. 

I sat in the back, in the seats that you'd fine gum all over, and things written in sharpie, I didn't care too much though. There was a boy sitting in front of me, looking around as we drove off. I leaned forward and rested my hands on the back of his seat. I looked over it, I had the lower half of my face out of sight. He could only see from the top of my cheek bones, up. 

"Hey, boy." I said. He turned around and looked at me. "Today's my birthday." 

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He said before turning back around. My little smile dropped and I leaned back. my gaze lowered to my lap for the rest of the ride. 

We finally came up to the school, I grabbed my backpack and got off of the bus, and walked passed all the kids, talking to their friends. I went inside, feeling bad that I didn't have any, and stuffed my things in my little locker. 

"I'm a little sad now." I muttered. I brushed those thoughts off, and my face turned all red as noticed who was standing next to me, putting something in her locker. She was a few lockers down, but still, she was technical next to me. 

She brushed some of her pretty blonde hair out of her eyes and shut her locker. "Hi." I boldly said. She looked at me and simply said 'hi'. 

I blushed even more. "Hi, um, you're name is Kat, right?" I asked, playing with the sleeves of my jacket. 

"Yeah." She replied. 

"Uh, my..... My name is Gerard." I extended my arm saying, I was shaking a little. She looked at my hand and back up to me. She finally shook my hand, but as if I'd give her some kind of sickness. She then just walked off. 

"So uh, yeah, I will be seeing you around, r-right?" I said. 

She didn't reply. My shoulders dropped and I banged my head against the locker. "Stupid Gerard!" I muttered. "Stupid!" I stopped hitting my head and held it instead. I sighed. "Maybe she is just acting like she doesn't care."   

I rushed to class. 

*After a few classes*  

"Lunch time!" I muttered, walking into the cafeteria, it was so big! I didn't bring lunch, so I had to eat the gross stuff here. I got in line, and the lunch lady plopped stuff on my plate. "Hey." I said ti her. "It's my birthday." 

"Uh huh." She replied, not seeming to care. 

I went to find a table. "Hey, Gerard." I heard someone say. I looked around to see who it was. "Going to a funeral?" 

I tilted my head at his question. "Why would I be going to a funeral?" I asked. "Oh, are you asking me to come to one that you're going to? If so, I'm so sorry for your loss." 

They started laughing, making me even more confused. I looked down at myself. I was wearing a lot of black, that's what they meant. My expression turned into a frown and my bottom lip began to wobble as tears flooded my eyes, making my vision blurry. 

I took my plate and sat in the corner table. I pushed it away and rested my chin on the table. "Now I'm very sad." I said to myself as tears spilled out of my eyes and my lip continued to wobble. "Very very sad." 


I ran through my front door, upset about my rough day, slamming the door behind me. Uncle said 'happy birthday' as I walked by. But I was very sad, so I didn't pay much attention, after I round the corner, I pocked my head out and replied with a simple 'thank you', before going to my room. 

I shut my door and plopped on my bed. I let myself cry now that I was alone. I didn't want anyone to know that I cry sometimes. 

I wiped my eyes and looked over at Frankie, I didn't care if I cried in front of him, I knew he was just a toy. I grabbed him and went back over to my bed and sat him on my lap. A tear rolled off of my cheek and feel onto him. "I wish you were a really boy, Frankie." I said as tears poured out of my eyes, which were now, red and puffy, from crying. "I really do." I tightly hugged him. 

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I suppose I fell asleep, since it was dark outside now. I grabbed the crackers that I had in my nightstand drawer and ate them. Uncle was asleep already, because all the light were off, even in the workshop. 

I sighed and took my mostly black clothes off, leaving me in my boxers only, I went over my my dresser and grabbed a tanktop. I pulled up my boxers and looked in the mirror, ruffling up my hair. "I'm just a stupid emo." I muttered. 

I went and sat on my bed. I looked out the window, and saw that the sky had stars in it. They were very pretty. There was one, though, that was brighter, and even more beautiful than the others. I looked down at Frankie, and back up at it. 

"Wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." I said. "I want Frankie to be a real boy." 

I looked back at him, and then decided to go to sleep. I tucked us in, and then shut my eyes, and went to sleep, or kind of, I was half awake. 

A light shimmered, and got closer and closer to my window. The window opened itself, it seemed, and something, or rather, someone came in. It was a woman, she had pretty black hair, and a sleeve of tattoos on her am. She was wearing a red shirt and long socks with a skirt. She pointed something in my direction, and said something like 'little puppet, make of pine, wake, the gift of life is thine'. 

But like I said, I was half awake, I thought it was just a dream. 

I felt moving, like something shifting next to me. "Uh, excuse me." A voice said. I shot up in bed. I rubbed my eyes, and looked down at Frankie, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. 

"Ah!" I yelled. "Frankie?!"  


Thanks for reading and be sure to vote and comment! This is my first Frerard story,  I hope you like it! Thanks for reading! 

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