One Final Stand

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Time: 1300 hours 8 months later 

Location: Salem's castle

Y/N: P.O.V.

Y/N: Ok hunter team this our final mission

Kozak: OORAH!

Pepper: This day will ho down in the history of Reminant 

Y/N: yes it will

Kozak: sir we got an army of grimm advancing on our position

Pepper: Alright we will fight to our last bullet 

all of hunter team: OORAH!!!

Y/N: AHHHHH!!! *you yell mowing dow 33% of the army*

Pepper: 30k we'll be with you soon *He says running out of ammo* I'm coming home brother. *As a King Taijitu wounds him*

Kozak: PEPPER! NOOOO! *pulls out a bowie knife* COME ON YOU SONS OF BITCHES!!! AHHHH!!!! *he yells as he kills the rest of the army* 

Y/N: Jesus Christ kozak 

Kazak: I'VE GONE TO HELL AND BACK!!! *he yells as he gets severely wounded by a beowulf*

Y/N: KOZAK!!! Salem you son of a bitch

Salem: you rang? oh its... you *she says as she sees the thousands of corpses* Oh my.

Y/N: come on and fight me you son of a bitch!

Salem: ok 

Y/N: no power just hand to hand combat

Salem: fine 

pepper taking the shot 

Salem: AHHHHHH- * she gets cut off by a bullet through the head 

Y/N: we need medevac now *you say as you collapse into a pit of darkness*

Time skip vale hospital 1600 hours


Time Skip 1800 hours

Gustave Kateb: Ruby rose.

Ruby: is he ok?

Gustave Kateb: yes he will be o- *Ruby cuts him off*

Ruby: Oh thank Oum

Gustave Kateb: let me finish Ms. Rose... He has amnesia.

Ruby: what?

Gustave Kateb: He lost his memory he doesn't remember his team or any of his friends but you might be able to bring it back.

Ruby: but if it doesn't work

Gustave Kateb: if it doesn't work then all we can do is hope.

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