Memories part two

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"Behave or you'll end up like them" the baron whispered in my ear, pointing to a pile of bodies in different cells. I nodded.

I was pushed forward to the chair, they pulled off my shirt, leaving me in a sports bra and jeans. They then strapped me down. "Are you Okay?" Pietro asked. I took a deep breath and nodded as his sister came to stand with him at the bars.

I looked around to kill time, they were inserting the tubes into me, and I couldn't say it didn't hurt, but there was worse to come. Around my bed/table were eight bags filled with the liquid they put into the twins bodies. I gulped, Wanda and Pietro only had two, this was going to difficult.

They finished inserting things into my body, and the liquid started pouring in. I screamed, it hurt so much. It was continually flowing into me, the first bag wasn't even gone yet.

I continued screaming for who knows how long, more and more of the liquid being pushed into me, all I know is I could hear my screaming get worse around the seventh bag, but I wouldn't , couldn't ask for it to stop. 

It finally stopped, but I felt to weak to walk. They shoved me into the cell, And ifell to the ground, unable to stand. Wanda helped position me against the wall as comfortably as I could be while Pietro took the bucket of cold water from the guard and a cloth.

At least one guard was nicer than the rest, he also slid some water in for us. "Sorry the waters cold" Pietro murmured as he dipped the cloth in the water, he gently dabbed it to my face, wiping the sweat and tears away. I sighed as the coolness hit me skin, "it's okay" I managed to get out, " I've always preferred the cold any way" he laughed softly as Wanda carried our waters over.

I reached for my cup, but he shook his head when he saw how shaky my arm was. He took the cup and gently pressed it to my lips, allowing me to drink."Thankyou "I whispered, my voice hoarse from all  the screaming.

"You are strong" Wanda commented, "that was four times as much as we had" I nodded and smiled slightly, closing my eyes and falling asleep as Pietro continued wiping my face with the cool cloth. Eventually he and Wanda lay down on either side of me and we fell asleep.


 Sunlight was streaming through the bars as I woke, and I stood carefully, I was wobbly on my feet but at least I could walk. I went over to the bars of the cage and picked up the food that was left for us. It actually looked pretty good, better than what I'd usually eat. There was fresh warm bread with butter and fresh fruit at the side.

"Wanda, Pietro " I whispered, "wake up" Pietro opened his eyes first, and eyed the food apprehensively. "This is  better than what we usually eat" he said, pulling himself into a sitting position. "Maybe they want us to recover fully" I shrugged. He shook his head, "they probably just want to do it to us again" I laughed lightly and sat next to him as Wanda stirred.

We ate our food silently until Wanda asked,"how are you feeling?" I smiled, "much better than yesterday" she nodded. "Where are you from" " America , and I'm assuming you guys are sokovian" she nodded again, but offered no further explanation. 

I got up and pulled my fingers through my hair to make it look nicer before tying it back. They still hadn't given me my shirt back. Pietro was shivering and I frowned slightly. "Are you cold?" He nodded slightly and rubbed his hands up and down his arms, "aren't you?" "I don't get cold" I said turning away to look for Pietro to keep warm.

I could see new clothes on a chair not far away, "guards!" I Called. No one answered, I stretched my hand out towards them, a rush of wind swept through the room, and the clothes made there way towards me quickly. I caught them, clearing my throat.

"What, were those experiments for again?" I asked quietly. "Super human abilities" Wanda said. I nodded and handed everyone their shirt. I pulled mine on, it was a quite comfortable black tank top and leather jacket. I braided my hair to complete the look, and didn't appear half bad for a prisoner.

" please don't tell them" I whispered hastily as I saw the guards coming with the baron, " but that means..." Wanda started, "I know what it means, please " I begged. The twins nodded. "I see you found your new clothes" strucker said, "how did you reach them?"

I pointed to a pole in the corner. He ground his teeth, " very well" he said at last, smiling evilly." Take off your shirts, it's time for another round" I could feel myself blanch, but I could of avoided this, it  was my own problem. "Ladies first" he said, gesturing to me. I nodded, and smiled slightly at Pietro , to help get rid of his concerned look.

I was strapped to the table again, with double the bag as last time. I closed my eyes and waited as they added the restraints again. It started, and I screamed, my throat still sore from yesterday, but they didn't care. They kept going, until reached the ninth bag. I didn't think I could do it anymore and blackness started to rim my vision.

"No!" Pietro shouted, banging against the bars. My eyes snapped back open, "hmmm" strucker said thoughtfully, "he keeps you in the present doesn't he?" He thought for a moment before leaning in to whisper, "you die, I'll make twice as bad for your little boyfriend over their, he likely won't survive" he hummed a bit as he backed away and my eyes widened. I couldn't let that happen to Pietro. I struggled to stay here, but when they reached the fifteenth bag, my eyes started to close again, no matter how hard I tried. Ipthe baron noticed and sighed. "I guess I'll just have to make good on my threat, let out the boy"

"No!" I screamed, fighting to stay in the moment as Pietro made his way to my side. He squeezed my hand tightly as the last bag started. "You can do it" he murmured softly, kissing my temple.  The action surprised me more than I could say, but it was enough to keep me in the moment.

When it ended, Pietro carried me gently back to the cell, where Wanda grabbed the cloth from last night and dabbed at my face again. "No" I managed to croak out as they pulled Pietro out. He had eight bags, and I couldn't let him die, not because of me. He was strapped to the chair once again, and his screams reverberated around the room.i winced constantly, watching him.

I managed to struggle into a standing position as he started on his last bag. His eyes had widened and started to close slightly. I screamed "pietro" his eyes snapped open and he held my gaze for the rest of his time. I whispered what they would do to him to Wanda as she left. Her eyes widened but she nodded. She had only four bags and I collapsed beside Pietro, who wrapped his arms around me as Wanda screamed. "I have... No...idea... How you do that" he panted. "Neither do I " I whispered. Wanda was pushed back into the cell  minutes later and slumped down beside us.


 A few hours later, The guards mostly carried us upstairs to eat. Apparently the Barron wanted to see us.

"Gale, Wanda , Pietro " he said. "How are you feeling?" I moaned slightly as the guard dropped me in my chair. Strucker smirked, and gestured to the food. I reached for some bread and ate it looking down slightly so I wouldn't have to make eye contact.

"Have any of you had a break through?" We all shook our heads.

"Then it is time for another session" I moaned, how could one man be so cruel?

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