I can't stay here

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Gale POV 

I woke to sunlight streaming through the window. I opened it and sat on my bed for a while, just enjoying the breeze.i loved it here, but I couldn't stay.

I walked over to a desk in the corner, ruffling through it, searching for some paper and a pen. I labled it to Steve, I hope they'll find it.

I walked over to the window and opened it all the way, I was about to jump, but was caught up in the movement of the clouds. I had never been able to resist watching them since...

I look away from the sky when a knock came at the door. i cursed under my breath at my own stupidity., but decided I had to answer, The worst that could happen was I had to stay another day.

"Come in " I called. Wanda entered the room, "would you come eat with us ?" She asked. She looked around, and saw me standing by the window.

"You are... Leaving?" She asked. I sighed, "yes, I'd love to stay, but I have my own life, things I need to do, responsibilities to fulfill". Wanda nodded slowly. "I understand but...without saying good bye?" I looked down at my feet. Shifting uncomfortably. "I can't risk having someone try to stop me" I pointed to my pillow, "that explains everything". "It was nice to meet you" Wanda said

"You too" I turned back to the window and jumped. The air whooshed past me, clearing my mind more than anything else ever could. I pulled up before hitting the ground, but as I rose back up, someone caught my gaze from a nearby window, Pietro.... crap I'm dead.

I sped up and disappeared with a bang into the sky. Going to my home/nest. On top of a tall building, I rarely returned here, but I needed to relax for a bit. I lay down in the mess of blankets, and fell fast asleep.

Steve POV 

Wanda had just left to get Gale for breakfast, hopefully we'd get to know her better. She seemed like a nice person, underneath all her defenses 

A frantic blur entered the room seconds later however, and worry clouded my mind.

"Gale is gone!" Pietro shouted. I stood up quickly, "you're certain?" I asked. He nodded, "she just flew past my window away from the tower". I sighed, tony entered seconds later, and Pietro explained the situation to him. "Why the ungrateful little-" he started, but Wanda interupted him. "No, I talked to her before she left. She wanted to stay but she has her own life to live, her own things to do , and ...here" 

Wanda handed me a folded paper, with my name on it in what  I assumed was gales handwriting. It was quite neat and slanting, I unfolded it carefully, as if it might disappear if I was to rough.


I'm sorry I had to leave, don't get me wrong, it's wonderful here but I can't stay. i have things I need to do, a life to live, and responsibilities to fulfill. I hope you and the team stay safe and I will keep your secrets, but please do not question Wanda about what she saw. I would still like that to remain secret.


 I finished reading the letter and looked around, handing it to Sam, who read it and passed it on to Natasha, who passed it to Clint etc. They all looked away after reading it and I couldn't blame them, I felt like this was the side of Gale she hadn't allowed us to see, the more sincere kind side.

" who's up for patrol" I asked, I guess it would be a good way to get everyone's mind off things.

Gale POV 

I woke up when a strong blast of cold air hit me. It was around mid day, had slept a long time. I took a deep breath and walked to the edge of the building, I could see avengers tower from here, most of them were leaving the tower together, probably patrol. I felt awful for leaving them, but I couldn't stay in one place for long.

The only thing I could thank my parents for are my gifts, they, otherwise were the worst thing that had ever happened to me and I needed to stay away from them.

I walked to the opposite side of the building and climbed down, they walked this way, searching for somthing to fight. The answer presented itself as a woman screamed, they ran and arrived at the screams source.

I followed jumping up to run over the roof tops. The scream had originated from... A robot? The avengers were surrounded. I needed to help, but.... what if they tried to make me return with them?

Pietro POV 

I needed to get my mind off things, when the captain suggested patrol it seemed the perfect solution. Oh I definitely did regret that now. 

We were surrounded by robots, they seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn't think about that now. I ran at them, but fell down as I hit them, they weren't affected at all.

"You will be coming with us" they said robotically. "No!" Natasha shouted aiming a kick at one of there heads. It grabbed her leg, and twisted making her fall.

We were going to be stuck here, and have to leave with them. Dang it. Suddenly a rush of wind blew through the alley, the robots were lifted, and smashed into each other. Emitting a loud bang, they fell in pieces to the ground. I looked up and saw Gale, eyes flashing her hands fell back to her sides, she rose and flew away, I knew I couldn't catch her... Even if I tried.

Gale POV 

The look in pietros eyes as I left, I couldn't... I needed to land before it happened, it reminded me to much of him a long time ago. As I landed, the memories hit.


Okay, so I'm going to put the memories at the beginning of the book, with a big warning to skip for other readers, figured I'd warn you there. Enjoy!

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