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 I decided not to move these chapters back to the beginning of the book, please let me know what you think! Remember, this took place before age of ultron and the avengers finding Gale.

Three years earlier 

I woke up early, my parents had basically kicked me out when I refused to join their life of crime, so now I lived alone, working the odd job and trying to survive. I hadn't needed school for a while, I was as smart as a college graduate. It's a good thing to, because there was no way it would be possible.

I had recently gotten a job with a man called somthing like Wolfgang Von strucker. I wasn't exactly eager, but I was confident I'd survive, and if I didn't... I guess my parents would be able to bother me any more.

I washed my hair with fresh water stream after I had made sure it was good. I brushed my hair with my fingers and sat around waiting for it to dry. My hair was dark brown, but when it hit the light it looked copper, like it was on fire. I had dark eyes to.

I had come to sokovian for this job, but I was originally American . My hair dried in soft waves and I put on my nicest clothes, which was saying somthing as I was practically homeless at age twelve.

It was cold, but the only parts of me that ever got cold were my hands and ears, even in minus twenty. It was five below zero, so I was actually quite comfortable. I had always preferred cold temperatures, and probably always would.

The lab was half an hour from the crumbling building I'd been staying in for a few days. I arrived and knocked, the door was opened by someone that looked like a butler. He looked me up and down, before ushering me in.

I was led downstairs, where their was a small train station. It was really weird, I mean, why have a train in your basement?! I was pushed through the doors, and welcomed by the man who had given me the job. "Mr. Von strucker" I said, nodding my head. He smiled slightly, but not kindly. "And you are?" "Call me Gale" my aunts name had always been one of my favourites, she was the only one of my family members who was kind to me.

"Is that your name?" I shook my head. The corners of his mouth curved down slightly, but he said nothing.

"How many others are there?" I asked. "Ten, you will be staying with two". I nodded in acknowledgment and sat down as the train started moving. He walked towards me and placed a blind fold over my eyes. "We can't have you trying to escape now, can we?" Was his explanation as his footsteps retreated.

I leaned against my seat and waited. We arrived what was likely around ten minutes later, and I was pulled roughly from my seat, and led from behind into what felt like an under ground cavern.

I was thrown to the ground and had my blind fold removed. There were two others in the cell, a girl with wavy brown hair, and a boy with the same, the girl had dark eyes, while the boy had electric blue eyes. They looked like twins.

The girl was leaning against one of the walls, while the boy was pacing up and down. I retreated to the shadows so they wouldn't be able to properly see my face and pulled my scarf up to my nose to better cover my face.

"Are you cold?" The girl asked. I shook my head, and used a fake accent to speak, "no... How long have you been here?"  The boy stopped pacing, "a week, they said we would begin when another came, we will likely start soon now". They both spoke with a thick sokovian accent, they were likely native to here. I nodded and pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and hoping to get some sleep.


I was jerked from my sleep as the girl was dragged from the cell to a metal slanting chair, flat, and uncomfortable. The best description would be a megtal lab table put on an angle to mimic a chair. Straps were put over her chest, hips, hands, thighs, calves and ankles to restrain her as they inserted many tubes into her. "Wanda" the boy called. Wanda leaned back and closed her eyes, "it is okay Pietro". He nodded reluctantly and retreated from the now locked bars.

"You are Pietro ?" I asked. He nodded, "you are?" "Im sorry, but I can't say". He looked disappointed, but quickly hid it. "What can I call you?" I thought for a second before answering. "Hope" my middle name would do. He nodded again. We sat and waited, wincing as Wanda screamed. 

Pietro was pulled out a bit later, he didn't resist, but his screams seemed worse than his sisters , probably because I had began to get to know him and liked him. I closed my eyes, not able to look at his body. His shirt was off, and he had abs underneath, but two tubes were inserted into each arm and one in his neck.

His screams increased, but he didn't ask for it to stop. He was thrown back into the cell five minutes later. I gulped, my turn.

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