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Elemental POV 

I woke to a loud quick tapping above my head. And an argument on how to get someone to wake up , presumably me. 

I opened my eyes to find myself laying on a hard metal table, lots of concerned faces staring at me. I sighed and lay back down. "How long have I been here?" I asked, my voice came out oddly clear, I was used to it being muffled by... "My mask!" I exclaimed, finally noticing. I pulled it back up and over my face, from where the cloth rested at my neck.

I glared at stark, who only shrugged. "You wanted to run facial recognition software, didn't you?" I smirked. "So?" He asked Back defensively. "Couldn't find me could you?" I said back unfazed. He frowned, "how would you know?" "Oh, i know how to disappear, if I don't want to be found I won't"

He rolled his eyes, "fine, but we can't keep calling you the elemental or the girl or whatever". I considered that for a moment. "Fine, call me gale". "And no that's not my realm name" I said, cutting him off. "It's another name for wind".

Captain America nodded from behind him. "How are you?" He asked, actually looking concerned. "Fine" I shrugged "it's happened before I should of known better". The scarlet witch canted her head questioningly from beside her brother, who was still tapping his foot.

I rolled my eyes, guess it's a downside of being a speedster, you don't know how to stop moving, that or don't like to. "When I manifested the other elements" I started, "I needed to be around them, surrounded by them" Wanda nodded, "so when you lets down your flames..." She said. I nodded, "the heat my body needed was gone"

"You said other elements, what else are you able to do?" Quicksilver asked from beside her. " hold on, introductions first" captain America said, "she can't keep calling us our hero names, and we already know how affective she is at keeping secrets" "her secrets" stark argued. "Come on tony, everyone already knows your name anyway" tony shrugged. "Thought the other may not want to though"

"I am fine" scarlet witch said in a strong sokovian accent. Quicksilver nodded beside her, prompting black widow and Hawkeye to do the same. Captain America nodded, "Steve Rogers " he said, "Natasha romanoff " black widow added, "Clint Barton " Hawkeye, " Pietro and Wanda maximoff " quicksilver said gesturing to himself and his sister.

"Tony stark and Bruce banner" tony said before adding exasperatedly "now can we see what you can do?" I nodded, and turned to the window, "does that open?"tony nodded. "Jarvis open window b on the 91 floor" he requested, "yes sir" a robotic voice said. The window opened. I was as tall as Wanda and Natasha , and just under pietros height. In other words I was the perfect size to simply...

I jumped out of the window, illiciting gasps from the avengers. I fell straight down, one leg raised slightly above the other and a smirk plastered across my lips. At the last possible moment I pulled up, whispering to the wind to raise me back up to the window. I felt someone slip into my mind and saw a memory flash before my eyes, one I hadn't wanted her to see... I raised an eyebrow at Wanda, pushing her out of my head.

I landed back inside and pulled down my mask. Brushing my hair out of my face, "impressive" Natasha murmured, I gave her a smile, a genuine smile. The first one in a long time. "Is that all" Pietro scoffed. I rolled my eyes at his hot headedness, and gathered moisture from the air to fling at his head. Laughing at his comical reaction.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "I can do a few other tricks as well with those elements, but I won't show the last one , I don't think you would appreciate me collapsing your tower". "No" stark agreed, "I wouldn't " I smiled, and murmured under my breath. Allowing a vine to spring out of the earth and up to the window.

I smiled slightly at their surprised reactions before sending it back,  and lighting my hands, "and you already know I can do this " I finished. Tony muttered somthing about shows offs under his breath before saying, " don't burn down my tower" I rolled my eyes and put out the flames.

I Looked around curiously, " what can you guys do?" Bruce was the one who spoke up, " Tony's iron man, Cap's a super soldier, Natasha has ninja fighting skills, Clint's really good with a bow, Wanda's weird, and speedy's fast.

It was a good summary except, he said it all in one breath, so it was really fast. "I am weird then?" Wanda asked, "because I am sure that Telikinetic and telepath is a better summary"." Whatever" Bruce panted. "Actually can I have a word Wanda ?" I asked. She nodded and led me to a room down the hall.

"I know what you saw, I also know Pietro is outside the door eavesdropping" "come on!"he shouted,running back down the hall. "Please continue" Wanda said. I nodded, "I know what you saw,you can't tell anybody". "Why" she asked canting her head. "You just can't, I'd never be able to leave, and I have my own life to live". "Okay" she said "but what if they figure it out?" I sighed. "Then fine, but you still can't tell them" she nodded.

"Thankyou" I breathed, I walked towards the door, before turning on my heel to face her again."I will be keeping up a mental barrier now you know that?" She sighed, "yes, I do" I nodded before walking back down the hallway. "Come on!" I could hear tony exclaiming, "you didn't hear anything?" Pietro sighed, "no she must of heard me or somthing, I only heard I know what you saw".

"So Wanda read her mind?" Cap asked, "I would assume so" Natasha said."I'll have to ask her about it later" cap said. I walked into the room. "Wow, nice to know you trust me"I commented, "you know, if you want to know somthing about me, ask". "Would you answer?" Tony argued. I swear he just argues for the sake of it. I shrugged, " depends what it is". "Okay, how old are you" tony asked, "fifteen" cap gaped at me, "how are you so young? I mean the twins are like four to five years older than you, you should be in school"

"Why aren't you in school ?" Tony interupted, "smart enough not to need it, there are better ways to use my time" he still looked doubtful, "test me all you want,bet you'll find I'm as smart as you guys, if not smarter" he nodded. "Jarvis, put together a test for gale"," make sure it has questions only high school graduates and college students would know" he added as an after thought.

I nodded, "what about your parents ?" Clint asked. I stiffened, "that's my business" he nodded slowly, "but you didn't run away... Did you?" He questioned. I laughed hollowly, "no". The silence the followed was tangible, broken only as Wanda entered the room. 

"Could you take gale to her room?" Steve asked. "Sorry captain, but I need to train" he nodded. "Could I have a word with you later?" He asked. "Not if its about what is saw in gales mind sir" he sighed, "very well, you may go" she nodded and walked down the hall to what I assumed was the elevator.

"Pietro, could you take her to her room?" Pietro nodded and gestured for me to follow him. "Do you want me to bring you there or show you?"he asked in the hall. I grinned, "race you !" He smirked, "it is on" I called the wind, to lift me using open windows and moving air as momentum. "On your mark... Get set... Go!" We raced together side by side, I followed his lead and we arrived in seconds.

He looked surprised I had kept up. "Good night" he said. I nodded, "night Pietro" I opened my door and flopped down on the bed. I shouldn't race like that again... Or I should do it more often. I may not of shown it but it had drained me . I had no clue how Pietro did that so much. I pulled off my favourite leather jacket and put it over a chair.

Underneath I was wearing a black tank top and very flexible blue jeans. I lay down and fell asleep. The bed was comfortable, tony may be stubborn and rude.. But he had good taste.

Sorry if this was choppy, let me know what you think!

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