okay !! prt 2

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Well , my dad is gone , he died last week . I dont know the details because they just told me yesterday 11-19-2019 I have to find out but I'm not doing well at all , let's just say my suicidal thoughts are coming back and I relapsed , I know I fucked up and again I'm sorry but I'm trying to find the time to write this shit my life is hectic RN and life I beating my ass so I'm just trying not to losse my fucking mind while losing my damn family day after day I lost 9 family members this year and I'm sick of this shit fr fr like I'm finna blow a fuse in my body or sum shit ima go balistic and attack somone on god . matter of fact there is this girl named kiyana who keep fucking with me and testin my gangsta and ima let it do what it do ( to  the white people who dont understand me . .. Imma beat ha ass the next time I see her face to face ) then after that imma go ape shit on this girl named briana who was talkin mad shit about me on ig and tried to expose me on ig talking about sum " that's why you take medication because you tried to kill yo self " like bitch I will stop taking this shit and hurt you stop trying me . I'm dead ass serious I fr wanna put someone in the hospital because they "my dads side of the family" took a whole week to tell me my dad was dead . like what the hell that seriously was not cool I'm his second younger daughter so they treat me like I cant handle anything like I'm some fragile vase that needs to be handled with care 🙄 they didn't even wanna tell me when he was in the hospital . and the saddest part is his birthday is on December 2nd 😔 I'll release some balloons for him and burn some candles and I'll still buy him sum and take it to his grave if they burry him 😦☹️ its 6:16 am and I need some sleep so I'm gonna take my sad " I need weed and a whole lotta drugs " ass to sleep night ttyl

Edit: they cremated him 😭😭 his wake is this Saturday 😔😔😔

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