birthday guuurl

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  So today is my birthday and I'm fr finna turn up. ... Or go to sleep 😴😴 I was up all night talking to mosey cuh he wants me to sleep with him but I'm not ready for all that yet we have been dating for 4 months and tbh ion trust him yet he  just not showing me he can actually handle me I'm a virgin btw . I dont wanna sleep with him and then a month later he leaves me for someone else.  Imma feel Hella stupid and ion wanna  feel  like that so if we make it for another 5 months then we can try .. . why I say try you may ask .well my big head always in my business ass sister wants to move into my room since my grandma is going to  stay with us for a whole ass year. 😬 yeah I love my grandma .but she do way to much like she wants me to wear these long ass .  1812 dresses  ...

So I get out my bed and get dressed I wear a  black lace shirt and black shorts  with red and pink roses on the side  I walk down the stairs after I do my makeup and hair . when I  get to the last step I see what has me instantly in tears    

T b c

Sorry I haven't been active I just got my phone back and my computer is still broken  but I'm finna get a new one tomorrow so I'm g . but Im finna be more active . my birthday is in like 2 days soon yaaaaay ...(not) 

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