stop playing with me .

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 do you know that feeling where you love someone but  you also hate them because you love them , yeah thats a feeling i get every damn day ,  see like normal girls i had/have a crush , and just like normal cruhses they dont like you back.  , see this is what happe i was sitting down in my chair in my room on insta when  i got a text from my friend tata aka talia m she told me that lathan got signed and was making big money , like i gave a fuck about the money , lathan was talking about being a rapper for so long and im glad he started to get noticed by other people , i told him he was talented but he didnt wanna listen  he just got / had a good heart , a few weeks went by and i couldnt hold in my feeling  so my stupid ass told him , thinking he would under stand . this is how it went down . 

me; aye umm i got to tell you sum , 

mosey;whats up 

 he passed me the blunt , and i took a hit , then passed it to him . i let it out my nose while i told him how i feel , 

me; so ion know how to say this , cuz im not a emotional person , so dont judge me  on how i say this ( a/n; yeah i cant express my feelings verbally i can only express them through words , like typing ) i like you , like like you like you  , i mean  ion know ,  how to say dis shit ,  its kinda  like i have a crush on you ,   man ion know , 

mosey; oh , well what you want me to do about it , 

me; nothing i just wanted to tell you that , 

mosey; that sounds like a you problem . 

me;yeah just forget it  

mosey; yeah she  dont know i got a girlfriend  ,now she do 


me; you are on live ,

mosey; yeah 

me; and you didnt tell me .

mosey; i dint know  you was gonna confess yo fellings towards me , so i didnt tell you . 

me; fuck you mosey'

mosey; fuck me , what did i do 


mosey; you did that o self , i aint do shii, 

 i got up and walked out the  house leaving not saying a damn word , i left my woods in the room. but i didnt care , so i went to my car  while i was starting it mosey came out ,   ]

mosey; awww y/n dont leave , we can be fuck buddies , dont leave .  

 i flipped him off and  drove  home , getting in my bed and going to sleep , i turned off my phone cuz he was blowing it up trying to text  and call me , but i dont wanna talk to him ever 


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