Author's Note

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Hey, all! If there's one thing I love it's the movie Frozen. If there's another thing I love it's Elsa from Frozen. I adore her, in fact, and even roleplay as her on occasion. I love writing from her perspective and digging deep into her emotions. So I felt like writing a fanfic with her. Now, this is going to mostly be an adventure / love story, so if romance isn't your think you might not be into it. Jack Frost and a few other characters from other fandoms will make appearances in this story, but I won't say for sure who Elsa will end up with, because that's spoilors, ladys and gents. ;)

Also, this story is based off the song King of Anything by Sara Bareillies. ;) 

Anyhow, without further ado... enjoy chapter 1!

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