Still, you replayed your pain over and over, never letting yourself forget...

Until you did.

Until you found some one else looking for an explanation, and made them yours.


You never did get over your fear of being locked up, unheard, away from all ears.


Dirty government rat.

Now you knew where that came from.

You feel your whole body trembling as you feel like hours have gone by, the pain at your wrists unbearable. If screaming was an option, you would, but then you'd seem weak and it would feel too familiar.

Why did I have to think up a stupid plan? Why did I even think coming here would solve anything-

Your thoughts are interrupted with the sound of soft footsteps coming from the stairs, and a figure looks you up and down as it reaches the last step.



"I can't tell if you are crazy or stupid for showing up at the Port Mafia again" Akutagawa says, walking forward until he's right in front of you, hands in his black coat's pockets, grey eyes piercing.

"Are you here to talk to me, or did they send you to make me suffer as you kill me?" You ask, as it had sunk in that you were probably nothing but a traitor that needed to be punished in their eyes.

"They sent me here to decide that, but, you shouldn't think I'm here to listen to you. I'm here to make you listen to me."

There's aggression in Akutagawa's voice as he speaks, and you automatically glance at the gun Chuuya has thrown to the side, making Akutagawa follow your quick look and have his eyes land on the gun as well. Curiosity leads him to walk over and pick it up, and you can see a flash of surprise when he sees it's the one he gave you.

"Why do you still have this?" Akutagawa asks, but all you can do is shake you head.

"I don't know exactly why. I don't remember. But I can only assume th-"

"Shut up. Why did you bring this here?"


"Why wouldn't I?"

"You said you wanted to talk. So why bring a reason to lock you up? You've always said I didn't scare you...but maybe you lied about that too." Akutagawa's temper is close to snapping as he holds the gun down at his side, walking back over to you, closer than before.

"I...I'm not-"

Activating his power, Akutagawa sends a Rashōmon blade to slam right next to your head, forcing you to turn your head to the side, away from the attack. Your heart seems to jump out of your chest in fear of being hit.

"If you're only here to answer with lies meant to hurt me, don't bother. I'll kill you this time".

"Akutagawa" you whisper, breathing out his name in a slight protest, "I didn't come here to lie to you".

The reminder that you couldn't move sent you into a panic, and it took everything in your not to yell at him to cut the cuffs off. It wasn't him you were afraid of, it was the haunting feeling of your past.

"I'm sorry"

"What?" Akutagawa coughs, his eyes narrowing as you apologize.

"I'm sorry, Akutagawa"

Once again, cloth turned to blade slams the wall behind you, this time to the other side of your head, forcing you to look forward.

"Sorry?! Is that all you're going to say? Do you think that means anything?!" Akutagawa begins to yell, taking another step towards you, covering his mouth from a cough before glaring back at you.

"Im sorry"

"You promised you'd never abandon me like everyone else! You promised I'd have you no matter what..! Sorry doesn't do anything."

"Why can't you see I didn't want to leave like that?! You never loved me the way I loved you, I needed to leave. I was going crazy. You didn't help me, Akutagawa! I'm sorry!"

"You've been wrong about something."

"What is it?"

"I did love you."


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