Save me! - Part 21

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A/N: It's almost Thanksgiving so I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy the chapter!

Like every other day, Y/N likes to take a walk around the park. She does this to A) Get her mind off of things and B) Get a little exercise. Most of the time she'd bring a book or she'd listen to music to not feel as lonely.

Today was not an exception, so she started her small walk around the park around 6 p.m. Y/N thought it would be a terrific idea to go at night for whatever reason. The reason she didn't think anything of walking alone at night is because her neighborhood is a usually safe place and almost nothing bad happens there. So she continued on with her daily stroll, but this time she sort of felt a person following her, but oh well! It could just be her imagination and her mind tricking her, like it has before.

As she continued on, the sense was getting worse and she felt eyes burning directly into the back of her head. Now, her anxiety was popping off and every time she looked back the feeling would stop which worried her even worse than before.

When she turned the corner, a branch snapped and so did her head. She swiftly turned around to see a dark figure, lurking in the dark.

"W-who are you?" She had tried to sound scary or even intimidating but it was ruined by a stutter and the sound of fear was found in her voice.

The person chuckled, "I don't know, who am I?"

"If I knew that I wouldn't have asked you" Y/N replied with fear still lingering in her voice.

The person took a step forward and Y/N took a step backwards.

"Why are you alone in the night? You do know it is dangerous for a little girl to be alone especially when anyone can get them"

Y/N tried to take a step back but was stopped by something or more like someone blocking her. She gasped in surprise and turned around. Behind her was two men, also wearing all black.

Neito rang the doorbell to Y/N's home and was greeted by her mother.

"Hello Neito! How are you darling?" Y/N's mother asked.

"I've been good," Neito looked behind her and around in the house, "Excuse me but where is Y/N at?"

"Oh did she not tell you? She's taking a walk around the park down the street, she always does that" Y/N's mom answered.

"It's pretty dark, is she alone?" Neito's voice wavered in fear.

"I'm pretty sure she is, you can go look for her though"

"Alright I will," He paused, "Which way is the park in?"

Y/N's mom pointed down the street, "It's down there. You keep going straight and you should be able to see the park"

Neito thanked Y/N's mom. "Be safe, okay? Tell me if Y/N is in danger"

"You're not getting away with this" Y/N told the main person in front of her.

Y/N and the other people were still in the park. It was too dark because the light that was supposed to be working, decided to take a day off and not work.

"Watch us" One of the men laughed.

Both of Y/N's arms were being held by the two people behind her. "Let go of me!" She struggled in their arms.

"No way, the boss said he wanted you. Do you also happen to know that Bakugo kid?" The main guy asked.

Her eyes widened, "If you even touch him, i'll kill you!"

"That's not very hero like is it?" He laughed. He then got a staticky noise, coming from his walkie talkie.

"Do you have her?" A voice came from the walkie talkie which was hardly audible.

The man then looked at his talkie, "I d-"
He was then interrupted by a certain fellow screaming.

"Don't you dare take her!" The voice yelled out.

Y/N noticed the persons voice to be her boyfriend, Neito. Her head perked over to where the yell came from and she felt a great sense of relief, "Neito i'm right here!"

"Shut your mouth" One of the men's voices came from behind her and covered her mouth.

"Hold her" The main man ordered the other two.

While the main person was distracted by Neito, Y/N used all the strength she had and flipped both of the men over.

They both grunted and slowly got up, "You're going to regret that little girl"

"I'm sure I won't" One of them ran towards her and threw a right hook towards her, she dodged it and grabbed his arm and flipped him, once again to the ground.

The other one sprung at her and attempted to hit her straight in the stomach. Y/N dodged the attack and punched the man in the face. While both of the men were down she grabbed her phone and dialed the police.

She then explained the situation and they instructed her to stay on the call until they get there. Y/N then looked towards Neito and the main man.

"Do you want to tell me why you were trying to kidnap her?" Neito asked the man.

"My boss told me to. Who are you?"

"None of your business" Neito said coldly.

Soon police sirens began to erupt and the man began to panic.

"Crap!" He cussed to himself. He tried to run away but Neito was faster than that.

"I may be physically weak, but I can still kick your ass" Neito stated.

Y/N started to get worried. She knew Neito couldn't hold up a fight with someone stronger than himself. 'Oh boy' She thought to herself.

The fight hadn't lasted long. In the end Y/N kicked the main guys ass until the police got there.

"You kids get some rest okay?" The police officer told both of them.

"Thank you officer" Y/N and Neito thanked the police officer.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" Her mother frantically asked while jogging over to the pair.

"Yeah mom i'm okay, but it's all thanks to Neito over here" She grinned.

"Yeah but I was the one who was hurt the most, you practically did all the work while I was like his personal punching bag" Neito groaned while holding the ice pack to his black eye.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter, it was pretty fun to write:))

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