Wendy's Story

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???: "Hey! Get back here!!"

Running down the street was an ocean blue haired young girl with a loaf of bread in her hands. Following right behind her, was a tall, buff merchant with a very angry expression on his face.

Merchant: "I'm going to get you this time!!"

Giant gusts of wind surrounded the blue haired girl's feet as she jumped into the air. She jumped high enough to land on the building just ahead of her. She looked back and saw soldiers of the Fiore National Guard start to gather.

???: "Time to go!"

The blue haired girl leaped from roof to roof with gusts of wind shooting out of her feet with every jump. The soldiers on the ground continued to pursue her, however when they got close, she leaped through a window and hid inside. She listened through the walls and heard the soldiers move on. She peaked out the window to make sure she wouldn't be noticed. She then leaped out of the window and landed on the ground. She ran down the alley and into a run down building with the ceiling about to fall in and the walls about to crumble apart.

???: "Carla, I'm home"

The girl walked into a small room with a small wooden cross on the wall. There is a pile of dead flowers below it.

???: "It's just me, Carla. Wendy's home"

Wendy got down on the floor and sat Japanese style. She broke a piece of the bread off and set it with the flowers. She then took a bite of the bread.

Wendy: "Mmm... it feels so good to eat"

She then looked at the cross with sorrow in her eyes.

Wendy: "I'm so sorry, Carla... I-I wish I could have been able to get more food..."

Wendy's eyes started to grow teary and she was soon crying on the floor. Her tears dripped off of her face and onto the floor.

Wendy: "I'm such an idiot!! I-I never wanted...... G-God damnit!!!"

She continued to cry on the floor until she could only whimper. Wendy stood up and looked at the cross one last time.

Wendy: "I'm going to bed now... Good night, Carla"

The young girl slowly walked upstairs and set the rest of the bread on a small table in her bedroom. She sat down on her bed, which was a barely stable hammock, and turned to look out the window.

There was one good thing about this house. You had the perfect view of the castle of the Royal Family of Fiore. She stared intently at the castle.

Wendy: "It's not fair... Why does everyone in that castle get to enjoy life without a worry in the world, while the rest of us are down here, suffering and dying..."

She then looked at a certain tower that was a little taller than the rest in the castle. That was wear the princess lived. That was her room.

Wendy: "Yeah right... as if someone like a princess would have time for someone like me..."

Wendy laid down on her hammock and looked at the ceiling. Her mind drifted off into multiple daydreams. One of them, involved her meeting the princess. Wendy imagined her as a beautiful and stunning blonde girl. With a gorgeous pink dress and a golden crown on her head. Her daydream broke as she came back to reality.

Wendy: "Why am I imagining this..."

She rolled to her side so she was facing away from the window.

Wendy: "You don't have time to worry about love or anything like that. Just focus on being able to eat tomorrow..."

The little girl then closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

—The Next Morning—

Wendy woke up in her hammock, feeling completely exhausted. She sat up and looked outside. She noticed there was a good stand right outside her house.

Wendy: "Score!"

She quickly got out of bed and leaped out of the window and jumped onto the roof. She looked down and strategized how she would manage to get the food without getting caught. She climbed down the building and made it to the ground. She then snuck up behind the food stand and waited for an opportunity. Then, there was an opening! She quickly grabbed a big loaf of bread and an apple and ran in the opposite direction.

Merchant: "Hey!! Thief!!"

Wendy ran down the streets and into alleys to escape. She looked back and saw that no one was chasing her. When she looked in front of her, she saw two guards with spears on their backs. She quickly looked for an escape route, but she was soon surrounded.

Soldier: "You little thief!"

One big soldier grabbed her by her shirt and lifted her up. She dropped the food and the soldier dropped her on the ground. The other soldiers then ganged up on her and started to kick her as she was on the ground. Wendy covered her head with her arms and could feel the pain of each hit on her body. She was now screaming and was in tears. She only heard one thing before passing out from the pain.

???: "Hey!! Leave her alone!!!"


Hello everyone!! Thank you for reading the first part of my new book! Sorry if it was a bit short... that's probably going to be the length of most of these parts... But I hope you all enjoyed! I'm planning on making 5 - 10 parts on this. I'll publish the next part somewhere between tomorrow and Wednesday! I'll see you then!

 I'll publish the next part somewhere between tomorrow and Wednesday! I'll see you then!

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