AU Leo x Reader: Leader's Girlfriend

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Right before the show began, they had pointed out a sign saying it was someone's birthday, and they all sang to the birthday boy. Watching not only the boys, but the entire crowd sing along with them to one person they didn't even know... It was heart warming to say the least. 

"You're so lucky to be dating Leo. He's one of the most popular, if not the most popular." Izzy murmured next to you. "Doesn't it drive you crazy though, how many of his fans attack you and claim you're a fake girlfriend?"

The question hit like a semi-truck to the chest. Your lips twitched upwards in a weak attempt to smile. "I guess it does sometimes, but the way that I see it, they all feel strongly about him and want the best for him. Or most of them do. The thing is, some of them think they know what is best for him. So they voice those opinions hoping that he listens so that they could feel better knowing he was happy. If they knew how much their hate towards me upset him, they might ease up. So, sure, it bothers me and makes me feel unqualified, but I already feel that way because I'm simply a human. Saying that, though, I've been treated like that my entire life because I am a human. It isn't anything new to me. What mostly bothers me is when Leo gets sad because of it."

He often would pull you close after reading an article and beg you to never leave him like the fans insist you should. Those moments of weakness always broke your heart, because he always tried to put on a brave, confident front. But Leo was soft and he took everything to heart. He would even apologize for being selfish by asking that, because it meant you kept receiving hate from his fans. And if he weren't with you when he read the articles, he would call you and usually fall asleep on the phone with you, or if he couldn't he would confide in Raphael - who was probably your closest friend of his brothers. 

Mikey was often busy with his own girlfriend, who was also a human. Though she was different than you. She was more of a shy girl, who was afraid of being in the spotlight but had done it anyways for Mikey. Not to mention the orange masked drummer had publicly announced himself that they were dating, and when a fan would give her hate, he would post a million pictures with cheesy poems and quotes about how much he loved her and appreciated her. He had even taken the time to follow and speak with each and every fan account that supported them as a couple. He was such a sweet turtle, and you were so happy to know him. 

That only made Leo feel worse, you knew. One night you'd talked about it because he asked if he was doing a lousy job at being your boyfriend. It had taken the majority of the night to convince him that everyone had their own way of dating. Mikey was a very affectionate person and very eager to express it to the world. For Leo, he preferred cuddling and watching movies or making you cute little presents like his own home-made hairbow he'd made after watching a Youtube video made out of your favorite colors. You had loved it. And the thought put into it.

"Man. You make me feel like a bad person. I totally would have clawed the eyes off anyone who said something bad about me, and publicly shamed them as the fraud's they are." That was her feline temper that she had. While some cat mutants were extremely sweet, Izzy was not. She reminded you more of what you saw on videos of the black panthers. Of course now all animals were mutated, but you were certain that Izzy descended from them, that look in her eyes saod se was a hunter.

Nudging her, you turned your attention back on the show, watching as they sang and danced around on stage. They always enjoyed their concerts, and the fans loved them too. "You know.. today is our one year anniversary. Leo gave me a stuffed rabbit so I would know he didn't forget, but he's so busy today that we haven't gotten to spend much of it together." The familiar pang in your chest made you uneasy. Now wasn't the time to be feeling pity for yourself, Leo would feel even worse if he knew. 

"Don't worry, we're almost done with the concert. I'm sure he will take you out for dinner or something tonight." Izzy winked at you. She knew something. Hardly did she ever say anything that wasn't hinting at something going on. 


"And now for a big surprise!" Leo spoke into his microphone. His eyes met yours, lips forming a huge smile. "My girlfriend, Y/n!" You began to clap, but the words sunk in right as Izzy began to push you towards the stage. "It's our one year anniversary, everyone! I couldn't be happier to have her in my life." His large hand grabbed yours and drug you towards the middle of the stage. "My brothers and I have been working on this song just for you!" One of the stage crew came up behind you with a stool and Leo sat you down. 

What was he doing? This was insane! You shifted in the seat, feeling uncomfortable in front of so many people. He hadn't forgotten your anniversary, though. Of course not. And he even had such a surprise planned out. Your chest tightened, lips twitching upwards in a smile. If there were any other way to explain the warmth spreading through your chest, the way you wanted to hold onto him and squeeze and never let go... love. It had to be. 

"Leo.." You murmured quietly, squeezing his hand. Even as the song began, and you found yourself lost in the sway of the music, you closed your eyes. The song reminded you of so much - the memories the two of you shared. Movie dates, late night baking fights, even the arguments and the times you had been certain he'd be done with you - when you thought he would leave. But he hadn't. Leo was always by your side through the thick and the thin. 

As the song came to a close, you leaped from your stool, throwing your arms around Leo. "That was beautiful." The tightness in your throat gave way, the tears rolling down your cheeks. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you close to his body. Despite being a cold-blooded reptile mutant, his arms provided you with a warmth you couldn't get from anyone other than your boyfriend. "Thank you so much." 

"Anything for my babygirl." He murmured into your hair, placing a kiss on your head. You faintly heard the sound of his brothers crooning and making teasing remarks, but you ignored them. Mikey was way worse with his girlfriend anyways. 

A/N: AH! I tried. My bad. Oof. Funny story - I've only been in one relationship and the guy was a total sweetheart and all, but the problem is that he and I were way too incompatible. Which would have been fine if he wanted to work the kinks out and talk about things, but he didn't. I think he was just lonely since he hadn't dated anyone in two years. For a first time relationship, it wasn't a bad experience, though I definitely think I'll stick to my fictional babies for now. xD

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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