facetime {young k}

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young k x little reader
not requested
written by colton

"no no no please no." y/n whispered to himself as he smacked his face softly, "no no not right now."

the h/c male tried to keep himself from slipping into little space, but it kept happening. he didn't like being in little space without his daddy, especially not this close to bedtime. if he was little without brian at night he wouldn't sleep and would be scared at every single noise he heard.

"oh nu nu nuuuu." he whined as he slipped further and further into his headspace, "nu y/n/n not wifout dada."

a few minutes later, y/n was completely immersed in little space and he didn't see a way out for a while. accepting his fate, he found a pair of pajamas and tried to put them on.

"jus do wha' daddy would do." y/n told himself.

the little finally managed to get himself dressed and ready for bed. he couldn't seem to sleep no matter how hard he tried though. he tried playing a lullaby, reading himself a book, drinking warm milk, everything that he could think of.

at around 12:00, y/n wanted to sleep so badly that he was crying. he didn't want to bother his daddy, but he wound up pulling out his phone anyways.

y/n: daddy are chu busy?

y/n: y/n/n can't sweep

young k: no, i'm not busy, baby. i was about to go to bed.

y/n: can chu facetime y/n/n?

young k: of course, angel

within seconds, y/n's phone was ringing. he excitedly picked it up. the little squealed upon seeing his daddy's face.

"dada!" he exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face.

"hey, sweetie!" brian replied, smiling equally as bright, "how was your day?"

"mm, good." y/n shrugged, "dada havin fun?"

"yeah, but i miss you, baby." the older male sighed.

"miss chu too." y/n frowned, "can't sweep wifout dada."

"aww, i'm sorry honey. daddy will be back soon." brian told his little, "ya! jae! i'm talking to y/n! keep it down!"

"jae jae?" y/n perked up at the mention of his best friend.

"he's right here, and he's playing fortnite rather loudly." brian added the last part a bit louder, turning his head to face jae.

"jae jae!" y/n squealed happily, "hiiiii!"

"hey, y/n!" jae replied, popping into frame, "how has my favorite little chicken nugget been?"

"good! how is jae jae?" y/n asked, giggling at his nickname.

"i'm good." jae smiled.

"okay great, let me talk to my little." brian butted in, pushing jae away.

"dada that mean!" y/n gasped.

"he is mean!" jae said.

"anyways-" brian sighed, "why can't you sleep, little one?"

"because y/n/n didn't want to be little but he couldn't help it, and now y/n/n scawed wifout dada." the h/c haired male frowned.

"aww, it's okay baby boy. you don't have to be scared." the older male told his little, "daddy's right here."

y/n felt tears prick his eyes. all he wanted was for his caregiver to be there with him. he wanted to feel his warm and protective embrace, but he couldn't.

"hey, baby, why are you crying?" brian asked, seeing the little's lip quiver.

"i wan dada." he replied, wiping his tears.

"aww, honey." brian sighed, "how about you get your favorite stuffie, your paci, and daddy will sing you to sleep."

"mkay." y/n sniffled.

the little got everything his caregiver had said and curled up in the bed. brian though for a second before singing y/n's favorite song. before the song was even over, y/n was fast asleep.

"good night, angel." brian smiled, hanging up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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