The groups

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Elsa ran and bumped into someone lips. Elsa let go to see who she kissed and it was Jack Frost

Elsa: Gahhh, did I just, did I just

Jack: yup, beside it's not your first from me. It's second

There were an awkward silence between elsa and jack

Jack: well you should go back home

Elsa: but I don't want to, I want to find my sister

Jack: How about this tomorrow morning, we will find Anna, ok

Elsa: fine I guess

Elsa and jack walked back to the castle. They separated when they walked into the castle

- next day-

Everyone was up expect for elsa. Jack told everyone where elsa, Merdia, hiccup, and rapunzel are going to be ( yes yes everyone believed in him but only in arendelle)

When elsa woke up. She went to the dinning room and ate breakfast with the rest of the gang. There was a really awkward silence in the dinning room

Merdia: so tell me how was th-

Elsa: what kiss, there were no kiss, no kissing at all ever

Merdia: uh.....

Hiccup: thanks elsa for making thing awkward again

After breakfast everyone went to their rooms and packed things for the walking trip to find anna

-an hour later-

Jack: elsa why are you not packed

Elsa: I can't leave

Jack: why not

Elsa: someone escape prison

Jack: Hans?

Elsa: yup and I have to find him or else things will turn bad

Rapunzel: how about we split into teams

Hiccup: yea and I got everything sort it out

Elsa: well I guess then

Hiccup: good, so there will be 2 teams, one will got into the forests and find clues on where anna is. The other team will stay here just in case of an attack. Am I clear

Everyone: yes sir

Hiccup: Merdia, jack, toothless and me will go to the forests and elsa and punzie will protect the kingdom

: can we help

The big five 2: The Missing BrideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ