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BZZT! The morning wake-up alarm was sounding. Six o'clock a.m. Calisthenics and a medical exam awaited. Breakfast would come after the first blood draws as usual.

Subject 514A rolled over on the hard mattress. Why he tried to sleep on his back he would never know. He always ended up stiff. Of course, the stiffness could have been due to his rapidly deteriorating health and not his ergonomically challenged sleeping accommodations. Either way, the bed had been made for utility, not comfort.

He reminisced bitterly about the weeks when he had slept comfortably in Bruce Wayne's extravagant bed. Sometimes, when he woke in the middle of night, he found himself wishing he could live that life permanently. He knew his purpose was to serve the Court, but he still secretly wished for the fairytale.

The Court had commissioned his creation and training. He was bound to their wishes, but they could not control his mind as they believed. His thoughts were his own and he took comfort in knowing that his impending death meant his mission would soon be complete. An end to the mission sounded wonderful. When it was over he could rest. And he was so very tired.

Subject 514A had heard of God, of heaven and the afterlife, but it was implied that one must have a soul to be granted any sort of eternity. He didn't believe he had a soul, consciousness yes, but not a soul. That was reserved for real people, not ones made by mad scientists in test tubes and petri dishes. People went to heaven, if there was one. When his time came, he would sink into a dreamless oblivion.

BZZT! The alarm sounded again. Subject 514A groaned and heaved himself to a sitting position. He ignored the queasiness in his stomach and the throbbing in the back of his head. He wouldn't get any better treatment just because he was feeling sick. After a few grounding breaths he was able to stand without the threat of collapsing. Food would definitely have helped, but unfortunately, breakfast was still a couple hours away.

After completing his morning run and workout, Subject 514A reported to the laboratory for his daily medical exam. Even though it didn't hurt anymore, he had never gotten used to having his various fluids drained away one tiny vial at a time. He had, however, learned early on how not to react to the needles and scalpels as the doctor had a great fascination with his subjects' reactions.

After the normal blood samples were taken, Hugo Strange injected Subject 514A with a new serum. The doctor sterilized a spot on his subject's arm and unceremoniously sliced into the flesh with a scalpel. He used a cloth to wipe away the blood that seeped from the wound.

Almost immediately the bleeding stopped. The skin puckered slightly and the wound knit itself back together. Only the faintest of scars remained.

"Fascinating," Strange murmured to himself.

He made another slice next to the first, this one much deeper than the last. It too healed rapidly.

Subject 514A turned his arm over and touched the new scars as they faded. There was a flutter in his chest as he saw the implications of what had just happened. For the first time in his short life, he had hope of a future. He would live. That thought was quickly replaced with apprehension as he realized now his mission would never end.

"Does this mean I'm not dying?" Subject 514A asked. He tried to keep his voice flat so the emotions wouldn't leak through. "You've found a way to heal me?"

"Sadly, no," Strange said putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "This serum is only a temporary solution. Its effects will wear off in a few days or so."

"I see." Subject 514A's flat voice was faintly tinged with disappointment.

"I'm working on a stronger serum," Strange reassured him. "But for the time being, you'll need an infusion every 72 hours."

"This is a major breakthrough," Subject 514A observed. "A few days ago you said there wasn't anything you could do anything for my genetic flaw. Now you have a temporary cure. What changed?"

"Always the curious pupil, I like that about you." Strange smiled paternally. "If I didn't know better, I might assume you were human."

"That's what I was trained for," Subject 514A said with a hint of pride.

"Yes, I suppose. You are actually the one to thank for the development of this serum," Strange explained. "I should commend you on your initiative with the Kyle girl. I didn't expect you to be so... proactive."

"What do you mean?" Subject 514A felt his pulse speed at the mention of Selina Kyle. He had tried to hide the extent of his relationship with her from Strange and The Court, but secrets are hard to keep.

"Do you know why a species reproduces?" Strange asked.

Subject 514A shook his head.

"Immortality. Pass on your genes and you live forever." Strange had a dreamy, far-off look.

"I don't understand," Subject 514A fought the urge to crinkle his brow.

"Congratulations are in order. Your little girlfriend is pregnant," Strange explained proudly. "And she has graciously provided me with a stem cell sample. From that I was able to derive this serum. Soon we will have enough biological material to make a more permanent cure for you."

Graciously? Subject 514A thought skeptically. Unlikely.

"What will happen to the child?" He asked, trying to sound casually curious.

"If it survives, it will be raised here to serve The Court," Strange said matter-of-factly. "Same as you."

Same as me. The thought echoed in Subject 514A's brain. He felt his blood boil at the mental image of Strange's needles and scalpels cutting into Selina and their child. He took a slow breath to disguise his anger. It wouldn't do to show that The Court's brainwashing hadn't been entirely effective.

"I hope it does," He said after a moment. "It will be useful to have a partner."

Strange smiled and nodded. "My thoughts exactly." He didn't seem to notice Subject 514A's clenched fists.

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