Chapter 8

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Zola's POV
Feeling my baby move around in my belly was the most terrifying, amazing thing that's come of all this. Jo gives a forced smile, but I don't blame her. She lost a baby- that kind of pain is, well... unimaginable to say the least.
We sit on the couch for awhile, and eventually I must have fallen asleep because I wake up in their bed to the sound of my mom, jo and Alex talking on the couch. I sit up and look around.
Jo is crying again, and my mom is holding her hands.
"Hey, Zo." My mom says when she sees I'm awake."ready to go?"
I nod, slipping out of the bed and sliding on my shoes. My mom says something else to jo before we leave, and then she goes out the door, waiting for me to follow.
In the car, once we're sitting down, she does not start it. Instead, she looks at me with smiling eyes, saying "I have a surprise for you at home."
Once we arrive, she walks me up the stairs, into the guest bedroom while she covers my eyes. Once she moves them away, I see a beautiful nursery painted white with colorful little animal decals on the walls. A dark brown crib, with polka dotted sheets matching the colors on the wall. A rocking chair is set next to a bin of baby toys, a changing table stocked with diapers and wipes. I smile bright enough to light up the whole room. It was perfect.
Aunt Maggie, Aunt Amelia, Andrew and my mom are all smiling in the room.
"Thank you. Thank you!"
I sit in the rocking chair, putting my hand on my bump. Bailey and Ellis walk in, looking confused. They don't know that they're about to have a niece or nephew.
"What is this stuff?" Bailey asks, his mouth full of crackers. My mom looks at me, obviously wondering if I want to answer.
"It's for the new baby!" I say. "I'm going to have a baby." They stare back at me, waiting for me to say more. I laugh and shake my head, and Aunt Amelia leads everyone out, except my mom.
"It's going to be okay, Zo. I promise. Andrew and I are both taking paternity leave for when the baby is born, and once she's old enough, we'll take her to the daycare at the hospital while your at school."
"Oh.okay. How long will I get before I have to leave the baby?"
"Well the baby will be born around may, and as long as you keep up your online classes, you can stay home for the rest of the school year. Then you'll have all of summer break to be with the baby, and you can return to school in the fall. Is that okay?"
I nod my head.
"There's one more thing. Sofia and Arizona want to plan a baby shower for you. We don't have to invite anyone from school, but I thought it would be fun for everyone to celebrate the baby."
My mom picks up her phone and texts Az. A moment later, my phone starts buzzing continually. It's Sofia.
"OMG IM SO EXITED!!!! I CANT WAIT TO PLAN THIS! Should we do a gender reveal?!?!?"
Thoughts on this chapter? What should happen next?

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