Chapter 3

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Merediths P.O.V
Sometimes, you wish you could just disappear. You want everything to go away. When the truth is to hard, and reality hurts, when everything starts going to hell- these are the times we wish we were invisible. Im a surgeon. I work 90 hour work weeks, sometimes consecutively. I can't take care of a baby right now. How will I manage a baby?
I can't believe what she's done. But how can I be mad? We see patients in these situations all the times, and we see how it affects the soon to be mom when her own mother makes her feel like a disappointment. I can't stop thinking about Derek. What would he do? She's just a little girl...
I text Andrew.
"On call room. Now."
When he opens the door he smiles and leans in to kiss me.
"Not this. Not right now. There's something I need to tell you."
"What? Is it bad?"
"It's Zola."
His entire expression changes. He looks nervous. He should be.
"She's pregnant."
"Oh my god, Mer, I dont know what to say."
"I just can't believe it. I don't want to put this on her."
"I'll try to talk to her. Where is she?"
"Exam room 3. She's with Jo."
I give him a kiss and walk out the door. Remember what I said about wanting to make everything go away? This is one of those times.

Andrews P.O.V
This is Zola's baby. Merediths Grandbaby. My stepdaughters child. What does that make me? A step grandpa? Is that a thing? I always hoped we would add another member to our family. Well, me and Mer. Of course, I gave up on that years ago, and this certainly is unexpected. I want to help them through this, be there for Zola and the baby. All I know about babies is how to consult on them, perform surgery on them, and imagine worst case scenarios of all the things that might be wrong. I certainly don't know how to raise one.
All of this is going through my head as I head to talk to Zola. I enter the room, and she's talking to jo, who looks up at me, smiles, and says: "I'll give you some privacy."
I walk over to the stool next to the exam table and sit down.
"Hey, Zo. How do you feel?"
"Did you talk to mom?"
"Yeah, I did." I reply, putting my hand on her knee.
"Andrew, I'm so sorry. I don't know how it happened, and I didn't mean to get us into this mess. I'm so, so sorry."
"I know, sweetie."
"How am I going to go to school if I'm pregnant? I know how it works, you have to go on bed rest for the last few months. What will I do?"
We will figure it out. We have to. Homeschool? Online school? Tutoring? I don't say any of that, though, because I'm as clueless as she is.

Growing up too fastHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin