Part 8

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Some days later the boys stood on the parking spots of Karasuno High School with their bags packed for the weekend in Tokyo. They were chatting while waiting for Sensei Takeda to arrive with the bus.

"I am so excited to see Kenma again", Hinata grinned and Kageyama looked kind of pissed about it but as he always looked pissed in general nobody could really be sure if it was because of Hinata's comment or just everyday Kageyama pissed off at anything else.

Noya was pretty excited to see Nekoma's libero in action again and he had to reassure Asahi around five times that it was solely because of his talent and nothing else.

Ukai had arrived too bringing meat buns for everyone and minutes after him Takeda arrived with the bus and got out to talk to the team that was munching on their treats happily.

"I hope everyone feels good", he greeted the team that was nodding enthusiastically.

"Everyone is in perfect shape", Daichi smiled proud of his team, then took an angry sideways glare at Tanaka who looked like he was falling asleep any second now "we are only waiting for Ennoshita to show up".

"Ennoshita will sadly not be able to participate in this training camp because he got sick with the flu", Takeda informed everyone "that means that Asahi is staying on his own in the room. The rest will just stay as it was".

"What?", Hinata frowned "poor Ennoshita. I bet he would have loved to come to Tokyo with us".

"He told me to say that he is really sorry and that he wishes you the best of luck", Takeda smiled at the team before him and then yelled "let's beat Nekoma and win for Ennoshita!"

Everyone cheered (except for Tsukki of course) and got on the bus afterwards.

Tanaka stumbled into the bus as the first and just went ahead to the last row to drop on it unelegantly and fell asleep starting to snore in a mere two seconds.

Narita and Kinnoshita sat in the back, poking at a sleeping Tanaka.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi sat pretty much up front next to each other so all the places in the middle were still free as Coach Ukai sat next to Sensei Takeda.

That was Noya's perfect chance and he sat down next to Asahi. In front of them sat Suga and Daichi, probably closer than necessary but no one questioned that.

In the row besides them were Hinata and Kageyama.

They weren't even five minutes into the drive when Hinata and Kageyama started arguing about wether they should do something swoosh or something bam bam in the next game against Nekoma.

"Obviously you should go swoosh bam that would really take them by surprise", Noya argued and Asahi looked at him as if he had just spoken spanish.

"How do you even get what they are talking about?", Asahi questioned while Hinata and Kageyama seemed to be taking his feedback into consideration.

"It's not that hard Asahi", Noya chuckled at his boyfriend "but don't worry about it. You don't need those words to be our best player".

Asahi blushed and Noya had to restrain himself so much so that he didn't lean over and kiss him senseless.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", Asahi asked because Noya was just staring at him for the past thirty seconds and that made Asahi anxious and squirm in his seat.

"Sorry, sorry. It's nothing just...", Noya smiled and leaned in to whipser into Asahi's ear "I really want to kiss you right now but there are too many people around here".

Instead of blushing even deeper, the blush only stayed the same on Asahi's cheeks and he leaned in so that Noya could feel his breath on the side of his face "I really want to kiss you as well".
Noya gasped at him when he added "maybe we can find a quiet place later".

"Who are you and what have you done to Asahi?", Noya grinned over his whole face and Asahi started chuckling.

"What has got the two of you in such a good mood?", Daichi asked without turning around to face them "I thought Asahi would be nervous as hell but now I hear him laughing before a match. What is happening?"

"That so mean, Daichi", Asahi pouted and Suga chuckled.

"Don't be like that, Daichi", Suga scolded him "I think it's good that Asahi is laughing and not frowning as usual".

"Thank you, Suga", Asahi smiled at the  back of his friend's head and then stuck his tongue out at Daichi, not that he could see it or something.

"If you are done arguing with your parents we could talk about the new strategy", Noya spoke up and Hinata giggled as he heard what the libero had just said.

"Ugh leave me alone, Noya", Daichi sighed "no wait leave both of us alone".

"Whatever you say, Dad-chi", Noya countered "I am gonna leave you alone as you are protecting Suga-mama so good".

Even Suga snorted at the word play the small volleyball player had let out onto them.

"Oh good, if you are all our children then are we able to ground you?", Daichi raised a brow now turning around to face Noya both grinning at each other.

"I would vote for yes", Tsukishima spoke up "please ground them".

"Shut up, Tsukishima", Tanaka spoke up who had awoken from his slumber in time to participate in this discussion "nobody likes the salty teenage rebel".

Tsukishima just rolled his eyes and continued staring out the window.

"Hinata would be your infant then", Kageyama deadpanned and Suga nodded smiling softly at the ginger who seemed to be happy about the comment.

"We would all be their children because we are younger", Noya shrugged.

"Then Asahi can't be our son as he is our age. Is he the weird uncle then?", Daichi asked.

"Daichiiiii", Asahi groaned and let his head fall back against his seat while Noya patted his leg in comfort unseen by anyone.

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