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I can't believe I'm doing this but Skylor told me I had to tell you about a thing that happened when I was little... For some reason... SO this happened when I was seven! DON'T YOU DARE START SINGING THAT SONG!

I was walking home from school when I heard a group of teenagers say... the f-word. And being only seven I didn't understand what it was so when I arrived at home I asked my father what the f-word meant. And... my father was an honest man. Like, SUPER honest! So he answered: That's how babies are made! I still didn't get it so I asked him just THAT question! How are babies made? And he didn't start telling me this old when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much story! He went into detail! Like, VERY deep details! I think he was telling me about my mother's... "eggs" when she heard our conversation. At this moment I was starting to get REALLY creeped out and when my mother asked me what we were talking about so I told her what happened! She got pretty mad at my father because she thought that it was a very inappropriate thing to tell a seven-year-old boy. Honestly, I agree with her! So my father started throwing our excuses like, that I would need to know this anyway if I wanted children when I got older. He did tell me the rest on my 14th birthday...

Ugh! I'm happy I only had to do this once... BYE!

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