"don't touch me pls ur feet are crusty."

9 0 0

I couldn't tell anyone. Not Maddie or Kelsey or Michael, especially not Michael. So I called Tristan. I knew I couldn't tell any of the girls because girls are so judgy at times. I already don't know why I did what I did and talking to a judgy girl about it wouldn't help. Tristan is trustworthy and practically my gay best friend. The line rung as I bit my lip. 

"Hey bitch what's up?" 

 "Can you come over right now?" 

"Yeah sure. Are you ok?" 

 "Um I think so?" 

 "Ok I'm coming over with Smartfood and Starbucks." 

 "You are the freaking best Tristan!" 

 "Oh I know I just wish other people could see that." 

 "I know. I'll hook you up with a hottie sometime soon don't worry." 

 "It's so hard to find someone to date because they're either gay and ugly, straight and pretty, or in the closet which I can't do. I need to meet someone's parents and be with them in public." 

"Yeah I know Tristan. It'll be ok I'll find you someone." 

 "Alright I got the Smartfood. I'll be there soon. Hang in there love." 

 "Ok. See you soon." I hung up the phone and breathed deeply. I don't know if I want to tell anyone about what happened but I know I need to. I scrolled through my Instagram waiting for Tristan to come over. I couldn't stop thinking about Cole and the kiss. I kept replaying it in my head after he left until I couldn't remember certain details. I still haven't completely processed what happened so maybe when I talk about it I can.. Right? My doorbell rang and I was pulled out of my deep thought. I opened the door and saw Tristan smiling widely, Smartfood and Starbucks in hand. I could kiss him. I took my drink and he followed me upstairs. 

"Ok so spill why're not really ok?" 

"So you know how I had to tutor Cole last night right?" 

"Yeah. What'd he do? Or say? I'll kick his ass I swear Brie-" 

"Tristan it's fine. Ugh I have no idea how to even say this." I ran a hand through my hair and looked at Tristan. 

"OMG Brielle you whore! You totally fucked him!" 

 "Oh my god no I didn't dear god. I would never. We did make out though." 

"BRIELLE!" Tristan hit me with a pillow and I started laughing and apologizing. "I don't get it I thought you hated him." 

 "I guess I don't. Honestly I have no idea what's happening but I don't know if I'm going to like it.

"How did the tutoring with Cole go?" 

I looked up from my cereal and looked at my dad. 

"Um it was fine. Bearable."

 "Well that's awesome! See I told you. When are you guys meeting up again." 

Oh my god I had to see him again. And tutor him. Alone. 

"I have no idea Dad anyway I'm late so I gotta go bye!" 

I left the table before he could ask me anything else. I got in my car and breathed. "This calls for some Beyonce." I turned on Beyonce and started screaming about Becky with the good hair. When I arrived at school Cole was the last thing on my mind. I sat at the table without looking up and felt a foot touch mine. I looked up at I saw Cole smirking at me. I looked back down and texted him. 

 Brielle: don't touch me pls ur feet are crusty. 

 Cole: That's not what you were saying yesterday now was it? 

 I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks so I didn't dare look up. 

 Cole: I can see you blushing. Meet me in E in 5. 

 Out of the corner of my eye I saw him stand up and walk towards E. Why would I go there? What does he want with me? That hallway is only used for hookups and he knows that and he knows me. I sighed and stood up. "I'm going to check in with a teacher I'll be right back." My friend waved at me but didn't look up. What the hell am I doing? I started walking towards E and I saw him leaning against the lockers, arms folded. His shirt hugged his muscles and pecs perfectly. Brielle what're you doing stop checking him out.

 I stood in front of him and roughly said, "What do you want Walker?"

 He looked at me and smiled. 

"When can we 'study' again?" He put air quotes on the word study. I rose an eyebrow. 

"I don't care, pick a day I'm usually always free." 

He leaned towards me so I could see all the facial hair he forgot to shave. 

"Are you free today?"

 I could smell his cologne and it was driving me crazy but I was not going to kiss him again. I couldn't. He's an asshole. 


 "Wait hold on." 

Cole brought his hand to my face and I flinched backwards. 

"Relax there's a hair stuck in your lip gloss." He pulled the hair out of my lips but kept his hand on my cheek. 

"Um thanks." 

 "Anytime." He smiled softly at me but kept his hand on my cheek. 

He leaned in and my heart started racing, beating so rapidly I could feel it in my stomach. 

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered softly. 

I had no idea what to answer. NO DO NOT KISS HIM DO NOT. He took my silence as a yes and softly put his lips on mine. His lips were soft and gentle and he smelled of soap and cologne and I breathed it in. I grabbed his hair and deepened the kiss. I wasn't even thinking at this point just doing. When I pulled away I looked into his eyes and saw something unfamiliar. I couldn't place what emotion it was but I don't think it was good. 

"Ok well I'll see you after school." 

 "You too Flores." 

The bell rang and I walked towards my class. What is wrong with me? 

***********************************************************************************************Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting in a while I just wasn't feeling it but I forgot how much I loved this. Anyway thank you guys so much for the love and enjoy!

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