
A drawn out sigh escaped Astro's lips as he sat with his arm holding up his chin in boredom. Standing before him was none other than his friends as they showed him multiple pictures of you for the hundredth time in the past two weeks.

"So? Do you recognise this picture?" Zane asked as he practically shoved it into Astro's face. Astro frowned and leaned back from his excited friend.

"For the last time, no! I don't recognise it. Why do you keep showing me this?" He questioned. Zane frowned and spared his friends one small glance before taking out another picture, and handing it to him.

"Here's a picture of both you and Y/n together. Do you not remember this?" He questioned. Astro rolled his eyes and took the picture from him. Honestly, he was tired of them pestering him about the same things. He looked down at the picture and his eyes widened in slight surprise for a moment. You had your arms wrapped around his neck as both you and him smiled into the camera. Astro furrowed his brows at this picture and scratched his head.

"This... What is this?" He breathed. Cora sat beside him and smiled down fondly at the picture.

"This is both you and Y/n when we went shopping together. We were getting them to try on clothes. Heh heh, Zane and I fought so much over what they should wear. This was right before they fell into their coma." She spoke. Astro felt a lump form in his throat, and he clenched the photograph in his hands tightly, creating creases in it.

"Say, where are they now?" He questioned. Cora blinked at him with a surprised look on her face. She then looked up at her friends with a hopeful look in her eyes, and turned back towards him.

"Um, we don't know, but what we do know is that they're with Dr L/n. He's the reason for your memory loss." She told. Astro's face fell at the mention of his name, and his eyes became downcast.

"Dr L/n... Why does that name....terrify me?" He wondered out loud, confusing Cora and the others. His face then flashed through his mind, making him jump in surprise. Cora rested her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her.

"Astro? Are you alright?" She asked. Astro breathed in heavily and swallowed hard.

"Y-yeah. Uh, I...need to head on home. I'll see you guys later!" He exclaimed and shot up from the couch. Everyone's eyes widened as he ran out in a hurry. Astro felt his heart pump in his chest as he raced across the junkyard. His hand then gripped at his chest, and he gritted his teeth together. 'W-what's happening to me? Why do I feel so hurried?'

"Astro! Where are you!?" A voice cried out, making him stop in his tracks. His eyes widened and he turned his head to where the voice was coming from.

"No no no, Y/n's voice is more higher, do it again!" Sparx's voice boomed from the other side of the mountain of junk. Astro furrowed his brow in confusion and activated his rockets.

"Astro, please! Save me from the mean man!" This time, the voice was higher. Astro landed on the top of the mountain and watched as Mike constantly changed his voice to match yours, which they were struggling to do. 

"Guys...?" Sparx's head immediately snapped towards Astro. His eyes then widened in delight and he held his hands out to him.

"Astro! You're here!" He exclaimed. Mike waved to Astro with gusto.

"Hey Astro!" He exclaimed, forgetting he had his voice set to yours. Astro felt a small pang in his chest, and rested his hand over it. He then shook his head and jumped down to the two.

"What are you guys doing?" He questioned and approached the two. Sparx and Mike flinched and spared a short glance between each other.

"O-oh, we were just practicing for...uh..."

Astro Boy: Loving What Is Unknown (Astro X Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now