Chapter 49: Back from the Dead

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"I get where this is going..." Kristen said.

"Did you tell Elijah about it?" I said.

"I did. He was overjoyed on hearing it. I had never seen him so happy before." She smiled happily. "I decided to let my parents know about my child. Mother was very happy on knowing it. She also started coming up with child names in her mind." Genevieve chuckled. "And then, I decided to tell father. I was convinced that he would react the same way as mother did, but instead, he was furious when he came to know about it. He slapped me, threw me to the ground, kicked me, calling me a disgrace to our family. I screamed, begging him to stop, but he did not. Instead, it only grew worse with time. I cried out for help, but no one came to rescue me, not even mother. I felt the blood rising up my throat. I prayed to our ancestors to keep my child safe, and soon, I lost my consciousness."

"We are so sorry Genevieve. We were only worried about ourselves. Father would have killed us if we tried to stop him." Aurora said.

"I do not blame you. You did what you thought was right for you. It was not your fault."

"What happened after?"

"The next morning when I woke up, I found Aurora, Vincent and Damien surrounding me, a worried look on their faces. Horror struck me and so, I siphoned their magic to perform a spell on me. If my child was alive I would have vomited, but I did not. My child was gone. He was dead."

"Killed, by our own mother." Damien said.

"Killed? Wasn't Eleanor happy about Genevieve's pregnancy?"

"She was, but father wasn't. She performed black magic on Genevieve's baby, courtesy of my dear father. Mother killed the baby in her womb." I could see the sorrow in Genevieve's eyes on hearing Damien's words.

"How could a mother do something like that?" Kristen said.

"She was our mother you are talking about afterall."

"...What happened later?"

"I came to know that father had killed off Elijah, decapitated him."

"That is horrible!" Stella said.

"It was that day, that I had lost three people whom I loved the most in the world." A tear ran down Genevieve's cheek.

The room went silent for a number of minutes.

"A question has been bothering me for really long. How did you survive post transition. You were supposed to be a vampire, right?" Kristen said.

"The Preservation Spell that I used on me allowed me to die only once, after which, my soul would leave my body. As soon as  father snapped my neck, I was dead. I did not go through the transition phase. Also, no witch with their magic still alive in them can ever die on the night of the Vulcan Moon."

"Then why did Eleanor die? She was a witch too." I said.

"Casting the Immortality Spell took away all her powers. She was nothing more than a mere human being."

After a while, Amber said, "I hate to be so direct, but you know what you are here for, right?"


"Do you know a way by which Nathaniel can be killed. We don't really have a habit of fighting a thousand year old malicious being."

"I... I remember some of it. There was this silver dagger that mother said would protect us if things got out of control."

"Where is it now?" Amber said.

"I do not remember."

"But didn't you just say that you remember that dagger?"

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