Duluth / 12

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"To the left a little. No, not your left, my left. Right there! Do you need some tape?" 

"Yes please," responded Meredith holding the center of a sign that read 'Back to School Dance.' She reached a single hand out to Sophie, who tore a piece of tap off of the dispenser and obliged. While Meredith turned around to tap the last corner of the sign, Sophie looked around the room. The gym was decorated in shades of blue, white and black, and balloons were taped to the walls. The tables donned black tablecloths and a large net holding hundreds of balloons was suspended over the entirety of the gym. 

Meredith and Sophie were the only people in the gym, and therefore had choice of the music that was being played. A blend of Imagine Dragons, Bishop Briggs, and Panic! at the Disco played in the background. "You haven't lived until you've heard Brendon Urie's voice," Meredith had explained to Sophie before setting the playlist. 

She didn't want to tell Meredith that it didn't really matter who was singing; the music was just adding to her headache. She had already taken a couple aspirins, but they were no match for the drums pounding behind her skull.

Meredith had been right; there really wasn't that much left to do besides set the tables and hang a couple posters. 

Meredith brushed her hands and took a step back from the poster and surveyed the doorway they had been decorating. "What do you think? Done?"

"Done," agreed Sophie, tucking a shorter strand of hair behind her ear. 

"So, what are you wearing tonight? I still don't have a pair of shoes... I suppose I'll just end up borrowing a pair of my sister's... but she's going through a phase so they're all black and have a million buckles and straps on them."

Sophie laughed at the expression on Meredith's face. "I don't have a formal dress or anything. I was just going to wear something from Old Navy, I guess."

Meredith nodded thoughtfully. "Well, seeing as we're all done here, and we have a couple hours to kill before the dance, we could go to a couple stores? I mean, I'm sure you look great in anything, but if you want something more formal, I would be happy to help you. Besides, my dress is silver, and I don't think black shoes would go with it well."

Sophie frowned, "I thought black went with everything."

"Trust me, my sister's shoes don't go with anything. But if you're up for, let's go to-"

Meredith was cut off by a group of students entering the gym from an opposite doorway. One of them, to Sophie's excitement and dismay, was Nick. As soon as he saw Sophie, he grinned and made his way over to her, shoving his hands in his pockets. 

"The gym looks great!" He said, whistling as he did a 360. 

"Thanks," Sophie said. "I did none of it!" 

"Don't be ridiculous," Meredith said. "You're an excellent tape-holder." If she was annoyed at being interrupted, she didn't show it. She grabbed the tape from Sophie and tapped another corner of a different sign. 

"So are you here for any particular reason? Or just to visit me?" Sophie asked, shoving Nick's shoulder. 

Nick grinned and shoved her back. "You flatter yourself Barrett." Sophie's heart skipped a beat. It wasn't Foster but.... "I'm here with the construction class to double check that the balloon mechanism is ready to go." 

Sophie glanced upwards at the wooden contraption holding a net that was keeping back hundreds of balloons. "You built that?" Sophie asked incredulously. 

"Nah, I did almost none of the work. I held a couple of the nails in place, much like your job here." Nick winked at her. "Seeing you, however, is an added bonus. Especially since I've been meaning to ask you a question." 

Duluth / A Keeper of the Lost Cities FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now