Duluth / 8

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Sophie walked into school the next day, seeing Fitz everywhere. Seeing Keefe everywhere. Seeing Grady, Edaline, Biana, Dex, Linh, Tam, Sandor, Alden-

She was sick of it. The guilt was consuming her. How could she have just left without saying anything. How could she have left. Period. 

No.  Sophie had to get control. If somehow the guilt shattered her, what would the doctors in the human world do? They would probably send her to a psychiatric hospital where Sophie would scream endlessly at the walls, just as Alden did. 

No. She wouldn't let that happen. You had to leave, she told herself. You had to leave to protect them. 

She pulled out an eyelash as she passed multiple Fitzs and Keefes and Bianas in the halls, not daring to look directly at them in case it actually was them. 

Another headache started flaring in Sophie's head, too much energy being used up by the chains in her head holding back her abilities to think this much. This negatively. She reached Miss Keystone's classroom and sank into her chair while other kids filed past her, chatting to their friends and jamming out to their music. Sophie popped a couple of aspirins to try to tame the pounding in her head. That was another downside to living in Duluth. No elvin medicine. Aspirin never cured her headaches, but the tiny pills took the edge off of them. Just enough so that she could think. 

Miss Keystone- Olive- breezed into the classroom, and dropped a note on Sophie's desk so fluidly that Sophie herself didn't even realize it at the moment. Unfolding the note as Miss Keystone started teached, Sophie read:

We need to talk. 

I have questions.

Sophie balled the note up in her fist, and as soon as class ended, she was the first student out the door. 


Short, and basically a filler chapter, but I'll update again before Saturday. 

Duluth / A Keeper of the Lost Cities FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now