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Izukus p.o.v

I continue running till I get to my house and Ururaka texts me.
Me: He was being rude he needed to be put in his place.
Ururaka: Deku. That was too far  people thought you actually jumped.
Maybe it was a little too much
Me: Ya I guess that was a little extra.
Ururaka: People we're crying because they thought you died.
Me: Well you can tell everyone that I'm alive and that I'm sorry for causing a huge scene.
Ururaka: Ok bye Deku.
Me: Bye.                                                
I sat on my couch and started thinking about what happened. Maybe that was a little extra. I laugh a bit. It sure as hell was funny tho.

Katsukis p.o.v

I stay standing on the roof with everyone else for what seems like hours before Round face finally tells everyone he's alive and sorry. WHAT THE FUCK?! I run down and out of the school wanting to know what the fucking hell was going thru that nerds mind. On my way to his house, I start thinking about what happened. Why did they start fighting? What did he mean when he said ' wonder where I heard that before '? I finally get to his house and knocked on the door. I hear someone yell 'come in' so I open the door and see him on the couch. "Oh hey Katsuki." He looking back. How can he be so calm when he just jumped off a fucking roof?! "Deku what the fuck was that?!" I ask going over to him. "Oh... it was nothing. Just something that popped into my head that would stop the fight." Something that just 'popped' into his head? He jumped off a fucking roof! "Deku. You jumped off a fucking roof." He sighs "Ya I know it was a little extra." He puts his phone down finally looking at me. "A little? And what the hell did you mean 'I wonder where I heard that before'?"

Izukus p.o.v

Did he really forget? "Katsuki? Really?" He looks at me not knowing what I'm talking about. I sigh "Katsuki. You told me to die. To kill myself. To swan dive off the roof." He looks at me wide eyed then looks down. "I'm sorry" what did he just say? "W-what?" He looks up and his eyes are red. "I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ever saying that to you. I don't know what went thru my mind when I was younger." His eyes started watering. I sigh "It's ok Katsuki. It was a long time ago." He sighs and nods "Hey Deku?" I nod "We have to talk." I look at him and tilt my head "About what?" He sighs "About that night" shit "What about it?" Please don't tell me he heard me. "I heard what you said" Fuuuuuuck "Oh". He gets up and starts pacing "I can't fucking believe you would think I'd just wanna fuck!" He yells "Well can you blame me Katsuki? You've hated me for as long as I can remember. I've been gone for a whole year! Then just outta nowhere we fuck. What does that look like to you?" He stays silent and I start getting mad "And just to add more evidence! I fucking said I love you and you stayed fucking silent!" I'm in tears when I finish. "I don't even know why I thought you would say it back. You wouldn't love me. Even if your fucking life depended on it!" I close my eyes and stand there sobbing for what felt like hours till I feel hands on my face. I open my eyes and see Katsukis locked on mine.

Katsukis p.o.v

He thinks I'd never love him? Ha bullshit. "Deku. I've never hated you. I pushed you away because I thought it would protect you." He looks at me confused but all I could focus on was his eyes. God those eyes. "You wanna know why Aizawa said I wasn't the same when you left?" He looks down and nods. I laugh a bit. God he's so cute. "Because when you left. It was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. I had lost my childhood best friend. I had lost my light, my happiness, my Deku. Izuku without you it's like my life isn't worth living." At this point both of us were in tears. "Kacchan?" My eyes widen "please say it back"
I chuckled "I love you too Izuku"

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