Ch 15. The Promise

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"Do I have that kind of patience?" Cheng Qing asked pinning Feng He beneath him once he felt secure in the knowledge that this was not a joke. That Feng He had meant every word he said. It was like his blood was effervescing. He felt like he was growing lighter and happier and fuller with every second. "I wanted to grab you and make love to you the minute I found it. But you seemed so unaffected."

"I was trying to forget about it." Feng He explained.

The distress of moments ago had been replaced by happiness and he was smiling at Cheng Qing. The seductive tilt of his head adding a new dimension. He was more confident in his place. More aware of the power he had over Cheng Qing. So happy that they were making these discoveries together. So even though Cheng Qing looked at him doubtfully, he was prepared when the other man asked, "Why?"

"So that I could concentrate on studying." He explained. He tried to get up just to make his point but Cheng Qing wouldn't let him. "We still have to go through..."

"No..." Cheng Qing interrupted.


" will not use studying as an excuse to avoid me." He was smiling teasingly.

" will not pretend that you forgot about the letter because that is not possible." He said kissing Feng He lightly then pulling back to look at him blush.

" cannot take it back."

"I don't want to take it back." Feng He said surprising Cheng Qing again – as if that was possible.

But the surprise didn't last as smug satisfaction took over. He was loved after made him feel invincible.

"Good." He whispered right against Feng He's ear. "Because all I want to do now is kiss you and hold you and tell you...that I felt the same way..."

Feigning anger he shock Feng He, "Do you know how afraid I was that this was another prank from Meng Meng? But I couldn't stop the happiness...the can you not know?

"I want to tell my parents that I am going to marry you some day because it is the only way I can think of to tie you to me with as many invisible chains as possible. I want to make you mine and make sure everyone knows it so that nobody can take you away from me ever again. But I am afraid you will think I am crazy, that we were too young or we aren't ready for that kind of commitment or...."

"...that I didn't want to be with you." Feng He finished.


Their greatest fear finally put into words.

"I want to. I'm afraid because of how much I want to. It's so crazy." Feng He said with a small smile tinged with something akin to regret. "All those reasons are know that, right? We are too young. We've only been together for a short while. Our parents aren't even fully on board and I don't want to disappoint them. But I want this..."

"So do I. So...let's just do it."

"What?" Feng He asked in surprise. Was Cheng Qing proposing to him? In bed?

"Let's get engaged."

He was!

"We can take our time planning everything. We can wait until you are done with college or whenever you want. Just...I love you. I want to be with you."

"Forever?" It was his most ardent wish and Feng He needed to know that Cheng Qing wanted it too.

"Like you've never seen it before."

They kissed. Achingly slow. Vowing just as fervently with their lips and their bodies as with their words. Seeking and satisfying. Holding on to each other with love. Not greedy and demanding but open and willing to adjust to whatever came their way. Choosing to be there rather than fighting to keep each other captive. Each one having compelling reasons to remain instead of walk away.

Their moans of pleasure filled the air. The rustle of their bedsheets. The slide and slap of flesh against flesh. The hiss and the gasp and the groan affording a sweet symphony of sounds to accompany the gentle possession. The breath-taking union. The violent eruption.

Harsh breathing filled the air. Then...quiet.


"I don't care what else long as you stay with me." Cheng Qing whispered not wanting to break the mood that had settled around them like a protective cloak.

"I will." Feng He swore.

"You promise?"


It was a was a solemn oath. To each other they were willing to bear witness and hold each other accountable. There was nothing they couldn't get through...together. Their love was completed by their commitment.


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