the hell is slayer mating season!?!?

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Back at the guild hall, things were rather tense. some of the slayers let out occationaly growled, the only ones exempt from the growling were sting and rogue, who just kept eyeing one another. no one knew what they were growling at though, so they all stayed in the same spot, afraid to set the slayers off.

just when the slayers were finally conked out, the door to the master's office slammed open, receiving glares from half the guild hall, the other half keeping their eyes on the slayers to be sure they didn't wake up. surprisingly, none of them even stirred. 

"alright, Erza, Gray, Lucy, Lisanna, freed, Bixslow, Evergreen, Levy, mirajane, kinana, Elfman in my office, now!" Gramps demanded, looking tense. eyeing each other, the group went to Gramp's office.

"What's this about, master?" Erza asked, once the door was closed behind them.

"i just got an urgent letter from Hermione, warning me about slayer mating season."

"What's Slayer mating season, Gramp's"

"I was getting to that, brat. basically, it's when dragon slayers go through a season where they identify and claim their mated. a dragon or slayer's mate is for life, once the dragon has chosen there is no changing it." Gramps Explained.

"so that's why the slayers are acting so strange. What about Hermione? she's going through it to right, and Cobra? i didn't see him." lucy asked.

"well, one of use needs to go to the council and will then need to go to Hogwarts to tell them about the danger their in-"


"sigh, when a dragon slayer goes through mating seasons. it become dangerous for all those involved. when a dragon slayer claims their mate, they have to bite them on the neck and draw blood, however, mating seasons makes their rational funny, so they won't think about how fragile humans are as the ritual was built for dragons, and as a result they will draw to much blood, and the mate will die from blood lose. when their mate dies however, it'll greatly effect the slayer, they can go on rampages, or try to kill themselves. and anyone who stands i their way of finding their mate will be met with lethal action by the slayers."

"just a question gramps, how bad can these rampages get if a slayer's mate is killed?"

"Just look at acnologia, his mate was killed in a dragon raid, and as a result, he spent 400 years eradicating all dragons from existence."

all the guild members choked at that.

"What?" Levy whispered. horrified. Mokarov just nodded.

"yes, in her letter, Hermione told me that while despite not having dragon slaying magic at the time, Acnologia was a doctor to dragons and spent quiet some time with them, as a result he received a few dragon traits like mates. after his mate and son, Hermione's mother and brother, were killed by dragons, he went crazy with the thirst for revenge against all dragons. that is how dangerous a mateless dragon slayer is."

"so, we just have to figure out a way to keep the slayers from their mates for the whole season and then everything will be fine." Mirajane, ever the optimist, asked.

"that is what Hermione has advised us to do, yes."

"should someone look for cobra? and who'll get Hermione?"

just then, the guild hall doors flew open, oracion seis walking n with an unconscious cobra, and a weary Midnight.

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