Ch 13. Number One Fan

Start from the beginning

Her creative curiosity aside, Meng Meng didn't understand why they were fighting.

It wasn't Cheng Qing's fault that the fans had found them and chased them down this road. There was a fan site that was dedicated to that and it was anyone's guess who had posted his whereabouts. It wasn't like Feng He didn't want to be there, he obviously did because he could have just left Cheng Qing at any point in the chase if he was really that upset.

Meng Meng knew something was going on between them but she couldn't say what it was. Not with any certainty. Until Feng He stood up and walked away with a huff only to return five minutes later holding a hat and glasses. He traded his jacket with Cheng Qing then put the impromptu disguise on his brother. "Let's go before someone else notices us here and wants you to sign their breasts or something."

"Their breasts..." Meng Meng mumbled in shock but neither of her friends noticed her surprise.

Cheng Qing followed Feng He's instruction without question and Meng Meng followed closely behind them. She was staring at Feng He, who wasn't really trying to hide from the fans any more. He was walking with his head high and occasionally brushed his hand against Cheng Qing's like he needed to assure himself that the other man was there. Like he wanted to brand him. To show everyone exactly who Cheng Qing belonged to. But something was stopping him.

That is exactly what Feng He wanted to do. Stake his claim and let the chips fall where they may. But he was afraid. Afraid of what the fans would say. Afraid of what Cheng Qing would do. Afraid that if he tested his place in Cheng Qing's life, he would be left behind. Left alone.

Feng He had already called a cab and it arrived just as they were leaving the alley. He was doing his best to ignore his best friend who was staring at him intently, but he had all her attention when he shoved her into the front seat so he could sit beside Cheng Qing. Feng He just didn't have the strength needed to be parted from his boyfriend. Not now...maybe not ever. But it felt inevitable.

"Are you jealous?" Meng Meng asked cautiously looking back at Feng He when they finally settled in the cab and he once again gave the driver their address.

"What are you talking about?" Cheng Qing asked dubiously.

He was looking at Meng Meng like she had lost her mind. Then he noticed she wasn't looking at him. Turning to Feng He he saw the other man with his mouth open but nothing was coming out. "Wait...are you..."

"No." The denial was too fast and too loud in the small space to be the truth.

"You know you have nothing to be jealous of." Cheng Qing said to Feng He the minute they entered their apartment.

Nobody had wanted to talk in front of the cabbie. There was no way of knowing who he would repeat what he heard to. The silence had been heavy and uncomfortable. But now that they were back in their home there was no need for caution.

Feng He felt like he was about to explode but he was trying so hard to keep it together.

"A He...did you hear me?"

"Does it matter?" Feng He asked softly. All the fight leeching out of him and leaving him looking sad and defeated. "The way those girls act like they own you. The way they can do anything with public. The way they are all over you. It's perfectly normal.

"But if they saw us together they would be uproar. I don't get to be anything other than your brother in public. But in private? If they knew what happens behind closed doors they would be disgusted with us. With me!"

Meng Meng couldn't believe what she was hearing. But as exciting as it was to get confirmation of her secret desire, she hated hearing Feng He sound so lost. So hurt.

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