Ch 10. The Gummy Bear Heaven

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"Ugh...fine so I am a little jealous." Feng He finally admitted when he couldn't hold it inside anymore and the sight of Cheng Qing on the screen made him want to toss his drink at the screen. "What if you decide you like them better than me? What if, when you are with them, you forget that I even exist?"

Every word out of Feng He's mouth was like a spear to Cheng Qing's heart yet it was also the best thing he had ever heard. For the other man to accept his own feelings like this was huge. But the fact that he felt so insecure in those feelings was a reminder to Cheng Qing that they had not overcome every hurdle yet. There were still things that Feng He worried about and until he had put them to rest, it would be impossible to be happy.

"A He...there is nobody else I love but you." Cheng Qing said clearly. "There is nobody else I want to be with. I can kiss them and hug them but there is nobody I want to sleep with."

"That's not what I was talking about." Feng He blushed.

"I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about sleeping. But now that you mention it. I don't want to make love to anyone else. Who else wold I kiss the way I do you." He asked as he turned Feng He towards him and placed a soft peck on his lips. "Whose face could I spend hour looking at other than yours?" Cheng Qing rubbed his nose against Feng He's and pretended to nip the end.

"Who would I kneel for?" He asked, sliding gracefully to the ground and parting Feng He's thighs so he was between them. Reaching for his pants and unbuckling the belt before opening the button and slowly pulling down the zip; the sound of its rasping teeth gliding against each other filling the room in tandem to Feng He's increasingly rapid breath.

"Do you think there is anyone I want to kiss like this?" He asked before reaching for Feng He's boxers and pulling them down to expose his already hardened cock. Bending forward and taking it into his mouth. Feng He had to hold on to the couch to stop from sliding to the ground. A hand automatically reached for Cheng Qing's head. Not to hold him there although the instinct was strong. It was to caress his head. To draw his attention away from his groin so their eyes met even as Cheng Qing continued to pleasure him.

And when he popped off his sex like it was a tasty lollipop, Cheng Qing added, "Do you think there is anyone who would react to me the way you do?"

Feng He could barely get words out of his mouth but he managed a soft denial. Cheng Qing kissed him again this time drawing it out until they were eating each other like they were famished. When he pulled away it was to reach behind him to the table and grab a gummy bear that he held between his teeth and fed to Feng He.

The other man got the idea quickly and reached for Cheng Qing to bring him close enough that he could suck on the soft candy. But it was inevitable that he would get a taste of Cheng Qing at the same time. But they time they had chewed through the sweet, they were even hungrier for each other.

They undressed each other quickly. One or the other reaching for the sweets when the last one dissolved so they could keep their mouths firmly locked on each other. Kissing sucking and tasting. It was not the gummy bears that did it but the unique flavour of their union. Spurring them on.

Cheng Qing once again reaching for Feng He's cock and stroked him, tasting him, distracting him so that he could prepare him. Letting go for only long enough to remind him, "Nobody else is like you. You even taste better than those gummy bears."

Feng He was lost.

Aching with need, he was torn between prolonging the pleasure and reaching for his orgasm. Not that Cheng Qing would deny him anything he wanted. He just didn't want to come alone. He wanted Cheng Qing right there with him. When they were joined together as one. When they were so inextricably linked that there was no separation between them. He begged. But Cheng Qing held off.

"Do you believe me?"


"What do you believe...?"

"That there is no need to be jealous." He panted. "That you only want me...I'm the one for you."

"And I know you only want me, right?" Feng He nodded. "And I'm the one for you." Cheng Qing got a nod again.

Only then did he press his distended member to Feng He's waiting orifice. The delicate opening blooming to accept him like a flower bud in spring. Their connection filling them both with so much pleasure they had to stop to breath. To hold on to each other for fear of floating away on a wave of such sublime sensation it was closer to pain than it was to pleasure.

"Baby...I love you."

"Aaanghhh...A Qing...fffu...please...I love...I love you tooo..." Feng He wailed as his orgasm ripped through his body.

Stripped him of every ounce of dignity and left him naked beneath Cheng Qing in more ways than one. Cheng Qing couldn't stop his own rapid thrusts as he sought his own pleasure. But in the end it was Feng He kissing him so long and so deep that finally sent him spilling over the edge.

They got cleaned up after. Both of them feeling subdued after the amazing sex they'd shared. They kissed as they redressed. Held on to each other as they moved back to the couch in an attempt to finish the movie. Cheng Qing leaned against on side of the couch while holding Feng He between his legs. Cheng Qing draping his arms around Feng He.

Feng He reached for the remote and the bowl of candy. He ate one then fed one to Cheng Qing who moaned rather loudly. Feng He turned to him in surprise only to see Cheng Qing chewing and smiling with his eyes closed like he was in ecstasy. He opened them to see Feng He looking at him doubtfully.

"What is with you now?"

"I don't think I'll ever be able to eat gummy bears again without getting hard."

"Oh god...." Feng He would probably have to find a new kind of candy to stock in the house. Then again, it could come in handy every once in a while. He reached for another gummy bear and fed it to Cheng Qing, "Just let me know what you need."

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