Ch 4. The Stairwell

Start from the beginning

At the end of the first period, Cheng Qing had to go to the principal's office after a summons was handed to him by the teacher. When he got there it was to find the same teacher waiting for him. He was ushered into the office and offered a chair. The pleasantries were the staid and quick.

"You've shown remarkable improvement not only in your grades but in your willingness to take responsibility for the work you missed when you were away from school. I can see no reason why we cannot accommodate your schedule in the new term." The class teacher said in the presence of the principal.

Cheng Qing wasn't as concerned about the vote of confidence but he was glad the teachers were getting a good impression of him. It was the kind of thing that would make his father happy. It would also ease his time there if they thought he was keeping up his end of the deal and doing the required work. He wasn't about to tell them the reason for his improvement. It had everything to do with his roommate and less to do with his actual class work.

He was eager to share the news with Feng He but the meeting took up most of his free study period. It was worthwhile to clarify his plans and schedules with the school since he still had a few work obligations but he was intent on sitting his finals with the rest of the class. But like everything else at that moment, he resented it for keeping him from Feng He.

He left the meeting intent on finding him. Only to get a very pleasant surprise. Cheng Qing was using the stairwell, the shortest distance from the principal's office to his class, when he bumped into Feng He coming down while he ascended.

They both stopped.

Separated by a single flight of stairs; they just stared at each other. They took the stairs at the same time, each step eating away at the distance between them like they had choreographed each move. When they were standing a sing step from each other, Feng He was just a little taller than Cheng Qing.

"You shouldn't have ignored me then." Cheng Qing said coldly. The hurt from having Feng He ignore him right here in this same spot cutting him to the core with such freshness, it was like the incident was a few minutes old instead of a several weeks ago.

"What was I supposed to do?" Feng He asked softly.
"You should have explained."
Feng He looked at him like he was out of his mind. "Explained what?"

He hadn't known what he was feeling let alone what to do about it. It's not like things were that much better now. They were living together. They had kissed – repeatedly. But he still didn't know what they were to each other and he didn't know what Cheng Qing really wanted from him.

The only difference was that Feng He wasn't running away. It didn't mean that he was better at figuring out what was going to happen. What he wanted to happen. Ignoring it wasn't making it go away and while he enjoyed being carried away at Cheng Qing's pace, he was afraid that the other man would eventually get tired of making all the decisions; doing all the heavy lifting.

"I wanted you to just take me." Cheng Qing said softly. Moving closer to Feng He so their faces were millimetres apart; the warmth of his cheek radiating through the small space to whisper against him. Feng He's breath hitched, halted then started up again a little faster than before. His intention of stepping back was thwarted when he realized he had to raise his leg to clear the rise behind him.

"Why are you scared of me?"

"I'm not..." Feng He denied even as he tried to lean back. Cheng Qing leaned forward again and Feng He was forced to put his hands out to keep him at bay. "What are you doing?"

"Something I've been thinking about doing for ages." He said as he placed both his hands on Feng He's waist and held on tight. Pulling Feng He's pelvis flush against his. Cheng Qing wasn't about to let the other man out of his grasp. Then he leaned in until the other man couldn't lean back any further without threatening the integrity of his spine. When he was at the end of his flexibility; Cheng Qing kissed him. The hands against his chest pushed. With his body firmly anchored to Feng He's by his hold, he didn't budge. If he did, they would both tumble down the stairs.

There was nowhere to go.

Feng He didn't think he could be more embarrassed. He tried harder to push Cheng Qing away but the other man just held him tighter. His warm mouth pressed against him rather gently for their odd position. Feng He wanted to claim that he was being assaulted in a public place. That this was different from all the other kisses he had endured so far and he just wasn't ready.

But he wanted this. Wanted the domination. Wanted the sensation of Cheng Qing's mouth on his. Wanted the feeling of Cheng Qing's body pressed to his. Of his arousal; shamelessly erect and seeking. The reciprocation from Cheng Qing making hotter and harder.

Feng He had imagined this. Dreamt about it. Reality exceeded his expectations again. There was something instinctually right about the pleasure he felt in Cheng Qing arms. He was afraid of it. So afraid that he would hate it. Even more afraid that he would love it. And he was loving it.

Cheng Qing's lips were soft, warm, inviting. His cock, hard and demanding. His hands, no longer still, were teasing and tempting. When he dared to press back those lips opened up beneath the pressure and he was invited into the warm, moist interior. His mouth just as vulnerable to Cheng Qing's attack when his mouth opened to take the upper lip between his own.

Cheng Qing let go of Feng He's waist to hold on to his face. To pull him closer so their mouths were fused together. His tongue invading Feng He's mouth. Teasing and coaxing the shy appendage he found there. Tasting everything he could reach. Pulling back to nip lightly of Feng He's mouth only to return and possess him again. Then he turned them. Brought Feng He down to the step he was on. Pushed him until his back hit the wall. Grinding his pelvis into the other man so their bodies could imitate an act as old as time itself. Pushing and pulling each other. Trying to milk every ounce of carnality from the moment yet both of them fully aware that this was not the time or the place for such a thing. It was scary. It was so fucking exciting.

"Please...stop..." The sob that came out of Feng He when they parted for breath was shaky and weak. The shudder of reaction that ran through him telling a story vastly different from the words coming out of his mouth.

Cheng Qing knew he could insist. He could push. But they had already gone too far. They were in a stairwell for crying out loud. What did he think he could do except drive them both crazy with want that could not be fulfilled?

He was trying to separate their bodies but he wasn't able to do it all at once. Pushing himself off so their hips weren't fused together by lust. Then his hands easing their hold so that Feng He could move a little more freely. Finally lifting his head so their foreheads were no longer pressed together. Their breaths were no longer mingling.

"We should go home." Cheng Qing said ruefully.

"No...!" Feng He shouted. The sound echoing in the enclosed space. He trembled with the panic replacing the heat and arousal he had felt only seconds before. There was no way he was going to go somewhere private with Cheng Qing. It would be the end of him. But he didn't bother wondering why that was a bad thing. "I have to meet with Meng I'll see you later."

He left then. Walking back up the stairs where he'd come from on stiff legs. He needed to get away from Cheng Qing and gather his wits. Get his legs to start working again. Get his breath to steady and relax again. Get his erection to ease up so it didn't ache with something that wasn't pain...but was probably even more terrifying because of it

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