Ch 3. The Kitchen

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Dinner was a quiet affair. He let Feng He set the pace and for him, it seemed, eating in silence was his ideal. They cleared the table and washed dishes together by which time Cheng Qing couldn't stand the quiet any more.

"Are you going to say anything?" The confused look on Feng He's face was priceless and Cheng Qing had to laugh. "Can you really spend an entire evening without saying a word?

"I didn't think I needed to say anything." Feng He said cautiously.

"Are you saying you are comfortable with me that you don't think you have to do anything?" Cheng Qing whispered in his ear. "Are you taking me for granted already?"

"No. Of course not. I would never do that."

"Prove it."

"Prove it? How?"

Cheng Qing patted his cheek with two fingers. There was no way to misunderstand the gesture. And when understanding finally hit, Feng He blushed furiously and looked away. But the dishes were done and there was nothing he could pretend to do instead of looking at Cheng Qing.

"You see." He said softly not yet done teasing Feng He. "I think you don't even think of me at all."

Feng He's ears were now the same shade of red as his face but he was looking at Cheng Qing directly. He opened his mouth then closed it then tried again and finally admitted, "I think about you all the time."

The moment the words were out of his mouth, Feng He felt like he was going to die. Why had he letting Cheng Qing bait him? Why had he allowed the other man to paint him into a corner? Feng He liked how easy it was to be around Cheng Qing now that he wasn't twisting himself up in knots trying to figure out the future without a crystal ball.

It hadn't occurred to him to say anything simply because he didn't feel the need to talk. To fill up the emptiness with inane chatter when he could just luxuriate in Cheng Qing's company. But he knew his step-brother had different needs and to hear him complain was a reminder that he had challenged himself to try and meet the other man halfway.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm not used to talking so much." He said contritely.

"That's okay." Cheng Qing said, "I won't hold it against you...if you just make it up to me as agreed."

Could Feng He do it? Could he kiss the other man without losing himself? He had thought about what it would be like to get the chance...this chance. All the time he had spent alone while Cheng Qing worked had been filled with thoughts that he could not run away from forever.

So what would it take to let himself experience just one of them?

He turned to Cheng Qing with determination etching every fibre of his being. Squaring his shoulders. Clenching his fists and puffing out his chest. He could do this!

Cheng Qing had been leaning against the kitchen counter carelessly but he immediately straightened up when Feng He approached him. Trying hard not to let any other part of their bodies touch, like it mattered, Feng He lifted on tip toes and placed a chaste peck on Cheng Qing's cheek.

At least that had been his intention.

At the last minute Cheng Qing turned his head and their lips brushed against each other. He gasped in surprise. Cheng Qing smiled with his victory. But when their eyes met everything stopped.

Feng He reached up. His hand curling around Cheng Qing's head, carding his fingers through his hair and drawing him down to his level. Then he repeated the move. A chaste kiss on his mouth...only this time he lingered a little longer. When he pulled away he heard Cheng Qing's answering gasp.

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