as you know a home-full heart

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as you know stars in the sky

as you know rivers have an end

as you know fires will always flicker

as you know trees may all change

so i want you to know

you can live and be free like stars

you will always end so be adventurous

you will sometimes waver but be strong

you will always grow and change

as you know we breath to live

as you know life is a big journey

as you know we can't change who we are

as you know the universe has unknown discoveries

so i will tell you

live your life as you can will it

enjoy your journey no matter the path

you are who you are no matter what

look for the hidden secrets and uncover mysteries

as you know i love you

as you know i will be there

as you know i can trust you

i want you to know

there is always a home in my heart for you

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