Chapter 10 Secondary and Underground

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Raynage Ken. He was one of the two commanders of the Cybernetic Offensive, the other being his older brother, Rasage Ken, they were known as the Double Witch Hunters. They were both widely known for their talent out in the field. And not to mention, there had never been two commanders with such drastic differences in the way they lead the Cybernetic Offensive.

Rasage was known to be a fair but firm leader. He would rarely if ever put his men in situations they weren't ready for. He allowed his troops to learn through careful observation. He was also known to be very good friend and comrade.

His brother on the other hand, was very blunt, and straight to the point. He put all his men in the same situations whether they're deemed ready for it or not. This worked for some of his men, making them all feel equal. He was also infamous among the members of the Cybernetic Program, for being incredibly intense, and intimidating. However, those who know him on a more personal level, like his brother, all say that he is a good man, with true intentions.

Chris didn't know Raynage Ken on a personal level. He was still trying to steel his nerves as he landed on the entrance platform to City Won's Control Hub. He waited a few seconds as his hover board folded itself, then he clipped it to his belt and walked stiffly into the Control Hub.

He was really nervous. All he knew of Raynage Ken was from the rumours he had heard. He didn't know what to expect, so he did his best to prepare for a little bit of everything.
When he reached the main control room, he saw his best friend Dan and a few others standing in salute by a nearby wall. His right hand clenched into a fist, held up next to his forehead, and his left hand behind him.

Chris stared at him dumbly for a few seconds before walking over to him.

"Dan?" Chris asked.

Dan's eyes widen at the sight of his friend, then he began to not so subtly point towards the right, with the hand next to his forehead.

Taking the hint a little too late, Chris jumped to the sound of a deep voice behind him.

"Soldier." It said.

Chris turned, and saw that standing behind him, was Commander Raynage Ken of the Cybernetic Offensive. He practically towered over Chris, probably standing at somewhere near six feet, his dark eyes gazing down at him made Chris feel even smaller. He wore the standard Cyber-Soldier field uniform: a green camouflage cloak, with a white protective vest, brown pants, and combat boots. Chris saw sword hilts and his hover board, hanging from his belt, and both of his gauntlets had been activated. Shadows covered most of the commander's tan coloured skin, making him even more imposing.
Chris stared a bit more, before regaining his composure and saluted his commanding officer.

"Sir!" Chris exclaimed respectfully.

The commander seemed to inspect him before answering. "At ease soldiers." He replied, then Chris and his fellow soldiers behind him brought heir hands to their sides, bodies sill tense.

"Are you Chris Canvor?" Raynage asked.

"Yes, sir." Chris answered.

Raynage nodded. "Follow me!" He ordered to all the soldiers present, as he turned and began to walk away.

Chris sighed with relief.

"Hey buddy." Dan whispered as he caught up to his friend. "Been waiting for you. You were on evac duty weren't you? Where'd you go?"

Chris looked down.

"A couple kids. They were in trouble." Chris answered.

"Oh, well, are they okay. Did you get them outta trouble? They with their parents now?" Dan asked.

"Their parents...were the trouble they were in."

"Oh. Alright." Dan replied. He wasn't nearly as dense as everyone thought he was. He knew where the conversation was going. Chris was like his brother, if he didn't want to talk about it, then Dan wouldn't bring it up. He decided to change the subject entirely.

"So, they sure did decide to activate the Secondary Dome pretty quick." Dan said.
Chris nodded in agreement. "You're right. But...look at the state of the city." He said as they passed by a window. The City Controls were located on a ledge, overlooking part of the city.

Smoke filled the air, almost every building was on fire, dragons flew through it with ease, and witches had filled the streets. Only the few collective forces of the Cyber-Guards and Soldiers kept the enemy away from the area around the t-station.

"The Secondary Dome has to come up now, or else all the people still in the t-station will die." Chris finished.

"Yeah, okay, but, it'd be pointless if those people can't leave the t-station. I mean, the t-station is powered by the city generator! If it all it's power goes to to both the domes, the t-station will shut down! Sure they'll be safe, but they'll be trapped like cattle!" Dan argued. Chris nodded sadly in agreement.

"Indeed!" Commander Raynage proclaimed suddenly. "That is why the governor City Newn agreed to lend power from their city generator."

The Cyber-Guards present all gasped. One city lending power to another? Such a thing had never been done before! Was it even possible?

"Sir, pardon me, but how do you propose to carry out this task?" Chris inquired.

"You're all Cyber-Guards aren't you? Engineers, specifically trained to maintain the city power supplies?" Raynage asked. The Cyber-Guards nodded hesitantly. "Surely you've heard of the Underground Cables between the cities."

The Cyber-Guards looked at the commander of the Cyber-Soldiers in astonishment.
The Underground Cables were massive underground power lines running beneath the surface, connecting the cities. They were originally built as the means of generating power and having the four cities share that power. However, long before the construction of the four cities was complete, the cables were deemed to be impractical, and each city got it's own generator instead. There had never been a clear answer to what happened to the Underground Cables. Everyone had always assumed that they were incomplete, or destroyed.

"Sir, the Underground Cables...are active?" Another Cyber-Guard asked.

"No, not active, but they are complete and waiting for activation." Raynage explained.

"Uh, sir, we didn't know the Underground Cables still existed until just now. How do you expect us to activate them?" Dan asked.

Raynage glared at him, and Dan shrunk back.

"I don't expect you to activate them, soldier. The Cyber-Techs discovered the cables last year, and have been studying them ever since. They're underground right now, waiting for me to give them the signal to activate the cables." Raynage explained. "All you lot have to do is maintain the Secondary Dome while my forces push back the enemy. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" The group of Cyber-Guards replied in unison.

"Good! Now get to your stations, and wait for me to give you the command to activate the dome!" Raynage commanded as he left for the communications room, and the Cyber-Guards ran to the main control room.

"The Underground Cables, huh? Who woulda thought?" Dan said.
"Yeah, I sure didn't." Chris replied. "It's a pretty good plan, actually. While this city's generator is occupied with the domes, the citizens will be able to evacuate thanks to the power from City Newn."

"Yeah, it sure was nice of their governor to agree to let us use their power." Dan said. "A bit too nice if you ask me, the other cities usually don't give City Won or it's people a second look."

"Yeah, but we're all human beings right? We gotta help each other out at times like this." Chris replied as they reached the control room and began to ready the Secondary Dome for activation. When they were done, the Cyber-Guards waited for the commander to give the order for activation. They barely had to wait five minutes before Raynage Ken came sprinting into the room.

"Now!" He yelled "Activate it NOW!"

Then Chris slammed his fist onto the last button, activating the Secondary Dome.

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