Chapter 1 The Start of a Tragedy

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Commander Rasage Ken of the Cybernetic Offensive, was speeding through the forest on his military issued hover board, the rest of his task force trailing behind him.

"Hard to port! Hard to port!" The commander shouted as he veered left, his troops mirrored his movements.

A roar could be heard in the distance. "We've go a Class 3 flier on our tails! We're gonna have to split up!" Rasage explained. "On my count! Split into your assigned squads and meet back at the rendezvous point!"

"Yes sir!" His troops answered collectively.

"3...2...1...Divide! Squad 1 to me!" Rasage shouted and the task force divided into six groups of five.

"Squad 3, to me!" Captain Tyochi Matza yelled, and four other Cyber-Soldiers flanked him.

"Everyone put up your face guards and activate your comm links, frequency S3, we have to maintain stealth." The captain ordered, putting up his face guard and activating his comm. his squad followed suit.

"Roll call. Tyochi Matza." He said quietly into his mouth piece.

"Pauline Strats."

"Oliver Thov."

"Samuel Anders."

"Marco Gamton."

"Oh yeah, Marco. New kid, hey, how're you enjoying your first field mission?" Tyochi asked.

"Am I allowed to say I'm terrified?" Marco inquired. He heard the rest of his squad laugh.

"You'd better be kid. You know you're a sane man when you're out here and scared out of your mind. You'd have to be either insane, a fool, or Captain Lucas not to be." Oliver said.

"In other words, yes, you can say that you're terrified Marco." Pauline said kindly.

Marco sighed, then grunted as he almost smacked right into the back of Oliver. Marco then looked forward and saw why. Captain Tyochi had stopped in midair, his hand clenched into a fist next to his head.

"Sir, excuse me, but should we not continue? We're losing precious time, we'll be late to the rendezvous point." Samuel inquired.

Tyochi didn't reply, he just hovered there for a few more moments. Then he suddenly turned around and yelled "Scatter!" Just as a huge dragon burst through the trees.

The rest of the squad responded quickly and flew around in all directions, but Marco remained in place, frozen in fear of the monster before him. Only Tyochi's shouting of "MARCO! MOVE!" that snapped Marco out of his stupor .

Marco spun out of the way at the last second, but he went too fast, and spun out of control.

He began to descend quickly, and the dragon followed him. Marco continued to fall as the dragon open it's mouth, all Marco could see was it's many rows of teeth...

The Cyber Wars Part 1 BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now