Chapter 2

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Hearing how close they sounded, she decided to cross another street trying to put more distance between her captors and herself. She knew that not only her captors would punish her, her owner Marco was particularly cruel when it came to her and her punishments.

"Mayah!" she heard Derik call as she darted through traffic. "Stop running! Your only making it worse!" He yelled chasing her across the street. Reaching out as she made it to the next intersection, he grabbed the sheet. "Don't make a scene. Jackson is right behind me." he stated.

"Wrong. I'm right here." Jackson said. Flushed and out of breath he walked up next to Derik. "How far do you think you would get?" he laughed. "I thought taking your clothes away would teach you not to run but I see we have to think outside the box." Jackson was already thinking about her punishment once they got back to the motel.

Taking advantage of his distraction, Mayah darted out into the street again to escape Derik and Jackson.

"Bitch!" yelled Jackson as she took off leaving him holding the bed sheet. Watching her run into the road in her ripped clothes, he takes a step back hearing the one thing Marco warned him to stay away from in this area. Bikers. Lots of them. Hearing tires screech, he looks up intime to see a motorcycle slide to a stop in front of Mayah.

'Fuck. He's going to kill us.' Thought Jackson. 'If we're lucky... he will just kill us'. He watched Mayah stand in front of the motorcycle that nearly hit her, frozen in shock. Snapping out of her daze, Mayah took off again looking back at Jackson in fear. As he started into a slow jog after her, Derik grabbed Jackson. Wondering what his hesitation was, he froze. He watched as the same biker, and his followers that nearly hit Mayah, took off after her down the alley.

Roach's POV

"What the hell!" yelled Roach as he hit the brakes. He slid to a stop not believing his eyes. An almost naked girl stood before him. Eyes full of pain and fear. Roach's anger for nearly crashing was replaced with pity. 'Damn addicts get younger everyday' he thought as the girl took off running. Noticing her glance over her shoulder while she ran, he followed her gaze and noticed two angry men standing on the nearby corner. Out of curiosity, he decided to follow waving his hand for the rest of his club to follow.

Following the girl to a dead end, Roach gets off his motorcycle and walks towards the girl. "Hey nearly killed us both" he said taking a step towards her.

"Im sorry...please! I didn't mean to. Please don't hurt me..." begged Mayah.

"I'm not going to hurt you...where are your clothes?" Asked Roach, taking another cautious step towards the girl.

"Mayah! You gave us a scare" heard Roach from one of the men he saw earlier running up to them. "You really should lay off girl. A Lot of people saw you" he said almost in a warning tone.

Roach watched the girls fearful reaction to the men walking towards her. Noticing her backing into the brick wall behinder he stepped in front of the wimpering girl facing her. " you know these men?" he asked quietly waiting for an answer.

Not answering, the girl steps to the side looking past Roach in fear. Watching her panic he takes a step in front of her again to block her view from the men. Turning back around to face her at this new angle, he starts to see bruises and scars on her body. Taking a step back from her to get a better look, he notices the handcuffs on one of her wrists and the linked cuffs around her ankles.

"Look at me kid," Roach says almost pleading. "Did they do this to you?" he asks. Frustrated that she hasn't answered, Roach turns around taking off his vest. "Gentlemen, the kid looks roughed up." he states out loud.

Turning back around to the shivering Mayah, he reaches out to her. "Put this on." he says handing her his MC vest.

"She doesn't need it. Our ride is almost here" states the taller blonde that's been doing all the talking for the pair. Taking a few steps to the side, he holds his hand out to the frightened girl. "Let's get going. Its late" he growled.

"You two seem to do a lot of talking for her" said Roach as he turned away from Mayah. "Is she mute?" he asked already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, she had an accident a while back and stopped talking," said the second one finally speaking up.

"Huh.. she was so traumatized she never spoke again?" asked Roach.

"Uh, yea. It was pretty bad. No one can get her to speak" said the second man.

"I guess it's a good thing she almost got hit." smirked Roach. "She spoke to me...which means you two are full of shit" growled Roach. "Come on kid, your coming home with us."

Roach turned back towards her with his vest in his hands. "Put this on and let's go."

Not giving her an option to respond this time, Roach grabs the girls wrist puts the vest on her and walks towards his bike dragging Mayah behind him.

"Dude, she's not going with you" stated the blonde reaching out for Mayah as they neared Roach's motorcycle.

"This is my territory. These are my streets!" hissed Roach. "My men have had a long day and you don't want to get between us and our plan" said Roach holding tightly onto Mayah's wrist.

"Look, if you have plans, we will just take her home and you can get on with your night" said the blond reaching for her again.

"Get on the bike" commanded Roach to Mayah. Turning away from the blond and his companion, Roach heard the unmistakable click of a gun.

"Listen, my friend and I are going to take Mayah and we are going to leave" said the blond stepping forward.

"You and your friend are going to leave...but it will be up to you how" said Roach. "Your friend Mayah, seems to have had a rough night... or worse so you can leave on your own empty handed or you can leave in a body bag when your discovered."

Hearing the clicks of numerous guns of the rest of the biker gang, Jackson put his hands up in defeat. "Alright, we're leaving" he said trying to think of something to say. "My boss is really protective of her. He will come for her" gritted Jackson.

"Tell your boss that she's under the protection of the Devils Angels. He doesn't need to be protective anymore" smirked Roach walking up to his Harley. Straddling his bike behind Mayah, he turned Mayah around. "Kid, wrap your legs around me and hold on to my neck." Knowing she probably wasn't comfortable with his directions, he figured it would be best just in case she never ridden before or fell asleep during the ride back to headquarters. As Roach pulled out with the rest of the MC in tow, they made their way down to the highway. 

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