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                The very next morning, Marinette woke up and saw the clock. She panicked screaming:

- Ahh! I'll be late!

She went in the bathroom and soon dress up fast and went at school. She managed to make it at time. Mrs. Bustier came in and said:

- Today we got another transfer student. Everyone, meet Félix Graham de Vanily.

The blond haired boy came in the classroom and every girl, except Marinette screamed when they saw him. Adrien stand up from his desk asking:

- What are you doing here, Félix?

Félix answered:

- Isn't it obvious. I'm transferring here from London. Mom decided to stay in Paris during some business. 

Adrien said annoyed:

- Tch do as you wish.

Félix looked at Marinette and smiled. Chloé pushed Sabrina from her seat and said:

- Félix darling, you can sit here, next to me.

Félix looked at the blond haired girl coldly and said:

- Chloé... You're still annoying...

Chloé was shocked and said:

- And you're still rude. Hmph!

Félix rolled his eyes. Lila smirks and said:

- Then, you can sit next to me~

Félix asked:

- Who are you anyway?

Lila answered:

- I'm Lila Rossi. Friend of Ladybug.

Félix got a bit interested in Lila and asked:

- You're friends with Ladybug? Really?

Lila grins answering:

- Yes! We're besties.

Félix asked:

- Then, you must know who really Ladybug is right?

Lila gasps and went quiet. Félix looked at the brown haired girl and said:

- I thought so.

Adrien mumbled:

- Why is he interested in Ladybug?

Plagg looked at Adrien and shrugs. Félix walked towards Alya and Marinette and looked at Alya and said:

- Move... I want to sit next to Marinette.

Everyone were shocked. Alya blinks and looked at Marinette, then at Félix. She doesn't know what to do or say. Adrien rolled his eyes saying:

- Tch trying to act cool, that Félix.

Alya smiled and said:

- Sorry, Félix... But I wont give up sitting next to Marinette. You can sit behind us.

Félix nods a bit annoyed at Alya and sits behind Marinette and Alya. Marinette whispered to Alya:

- Hey, I thought Félix will be back in London. How come he's now here?

Alya said:

- Well, to be honest, I'm surprised as well. But it seems that he got interest in you. Lucky girl, Marinette.

Marinette said:

- N-no. You know that Adrien is only one I love.

Alya mumbles:

Secret (Miraculous Ladybug)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora