Chapter 7

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The next day was a day Maddie had dreaded for a while and had hoped would never come. The call had come just after noon from the police that a dead body was floating just outside of the bay. A new trainee had been on the jet and been sent to go and check it out so the young bloke was now floating around with a dead body. Bobby, a paramedic and her would go out to make the first official call. It hadn't been the way she'd wanted to have been her first ride on the jet at all. She wasn't sure if she'd still be able to make the call at this time anymore.

"You okay?" Bobby asked her as she had her arms wrapped around him, set behind him on jet as they floated across the water surface. "Yea hadn't really expected this to be amongst my job descriptions," Maddie admitted to him and to herself as she looked across the water, her cheek against his back. She'd left the hospital for this after, to not face death anymore. Looking over Bobby's shoulder she saw Troy hanging off of the jet ski. "You okay?" Maddie asked as they approached him, Cory sat on the jetski as Troy held the body on the board attached to it.

Looking over Troy, she realised he was a bit in shock, but alright. "Why don't you go and sit with Bobby for a bit?" Maddie suggested to him as he shook his head at her. Apparently, he wanted to see this through as she made the official call on the deceased body as she floated beside the board attached to the jetski. Once she was done, she climbed on behind Bobby again as the two jetskis floated together as they were told to wait till the police arrived to come and collect the corpse.

They'd been floating around out there for a bit, till the call came that a shark had been spotted as well. "Oh even better," Maddie muttered to herself as she held onto Bobby a bit tighter as Troy rearranged himself so he wouldn't be shark food either. They were all too grateful when the cops finally decided to show up, so they could return to the beach and out of reach of the sharks. Once they reached the beach, other cops were already waiting to get their statement, not that they could tell much at all.

It hadn't been a fun day at all, most of them were okay with it. All of them had seen death before, on the beach, in the hospital, out on a call. Except Troy as a 19-year-old bloke, he hadn't had to handle death like that. He knew everyone was there for him as he assured them all that he was alright. That he just needed a moment to himself but they were all his silent shadow for the rest of the day.


And where there was death, there was life as well.

The day after the corpse, the day had started off normal, like any other normal day. It was hot, but not hotter than usual. She'd finally gotten used to the Australian heat as well now. She'd had much of the same, stitching, taking care of small abrasions, cuts, bruises and so on. Nothing out of the ordinary. And then she'd just come back from her lunch in the park behind the tower with Glick and Maxi.

And then another first happened on the beach. It seemed she was bringing these things here to the beach as Hoppo would later tease her about. It had been Harries to make the call over to her at the tower. A pregnant lady seemed to be under the heat, so she headed out there, expecting it to be a simple case of heatstroke of a pregnant woman. Sure with pregnancy, it would still be dangerous, but if she got a handle on it than things would be alright.

"Hey." Maddie greeted Harries and Bishop as she walked over to them and the pregnant woman.

"Hello, I'm Maddie." She introduced herself to the pregnant woman with an extended hand towards her. "Catelin." The woman told her as Maddie scanned over the pregnant woman's form. She seemed to be sweating, not unusual so she decided to bring her back to the coolness of the tower as Harries joined her.

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