Chapter 6

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Sorry for the long wait, I hope it'll be worth it. Please enjoy. 

The week of her friends coming over had gone by in a flash. Much to quick to Maddy's liking, but she didn't really have a say about that. She had her job here now and they had their jobs in London. it had been her decision to come here and work in Australia. But it was hard to not see her friends all the time, but at least Emma had found a place here as well. She was going to move to Australia as well in six weeks time, something Maddy was looking forward to greatly. She was going to start working at the St. Vincent's hospital nearby. They'd already agreed to live together again as they used to in London. They were used to living together, it would be odd to each get a different place when they lived so close to each other. They'd survived ten years of living together in London along with Autumn and Jake.

Looking back at their week here, it hadn't been the best week either with the deceased infant. Most of the lifeguards, including her, had attended the funeral. It had been incredibly hard on all of them, but it had been the right thing to do as well.

"Morning guys." Maddie greeted the guys in the tower as she walked in the following morning after her friend's leaving. "They left?" Bishop wondered, looking back at her as she nodded her head. "Yes, on their way back to London, Emma will be back in six weeks time though. She'll start working at St. Vincents," she explained to Bishop and Cory as they were sat in the tower. "That'll be fun." Cory snickered from his spot as he got a towel thrown at his head from Maddy.

They'd come to like her friends during the week they'd been there. They were crazy and hilarious but they were good people as well. They wouldn't forget the support they'd given them during the hard week they'd gone through. All four of them had literally been their rocks, and they wouldn't forget it any time soon. And they were happy for Maddy that one of her friends was going to join her here in Australia. Sure she'd made friends here with their wives and girlfriends. But they all had people here they'd known from their childhood. Maddy had none of those here, so they were happy that Emma was coming here. And she was certainly going to be an amusing addition to them all.

"How are things here?" Maddy asked them, she always came in at eight, when the beach would start to get busy. Of course, there were a few exceptions of course. But most days she'd start at eight unless it was Australia day and the day after or New Year's day. They could literally find anything on the beach on those days.

"So far so good, we haven't had any more injuries yet." Cory pointed out as she smiled at them, whilst sitting down at her desk in the tower. It was a small part of the table that was positioned in the tower, but its where her stuff was always kept, where she wrote her reports and such.

"Let's hope it stays this way," Maddy said with a hopeful tone, it had already been a crazy busy summer, she would enjoy any slow day that came her way, but the guys, however, gave her a doubtful look. "Hey, a girl can only hope," Maddie told them with a chuckle and shrug of her shoulders as she strapped on her walkie. "I'm going to head up the beach if you don't mind. Call if there's anything," she told them, whilst heading for the door. "I'll join you," Bishop called out as Maddie paused in her attempt to get to the door. And then they headed for the middle of the beach, right in front of the lifeguard tower.

"You got anything going tonight?" Bishop asked her as they stood scanning the beach around them. "Not really, going to read up a bit, nothing special, why?" she asked him, turning her head in his direction as the sun shone in her eyes. She was a bit confused as to why he was asking her this.

"You want to go and have a few drinks?" he asked her as she turned her head a little to look ahead of them. "With the guys?" she wondered, turning her head back to look at Bishop, not exactly sure where this was headed. Sure she had an idea, but she wasn't open to that and wasn't a fan of where his suggestions were going. Dating on the work floor never ended well. That much she knew from experience. "No just the two of us," he told her with a hopeful tone and tilt of his head.

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