Chapter two

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H and Maddie were watching the beach from up in the tower, having a basic conversation. She had to get know a lot of people here and she was excited to become a part of this tight knit family. It was rather quiet when all of a sudden the walkie jumped to live on the table.

It was Whippets voice that came over it. "Maddie, would you be able to come over here. We have a five year old boy without parents and I think he's having trouble from the heat." came the explanation as she got up already, put her walkie on her bag. "I'm on my way." she called over as she took a moment too look for them through the binoculars. When she found them, she went outside. She put her medical bag beside her in the rhino and drove up to them.

"Hey guys." Maddie greeted them, it was the first time she was seeing them today as Harries, Whippet and Yatesy were there handling the boy. "Is this the little guy?" Maddie asked them as she crouched down in front of him. "Yea." Yatesy told her as he held onto his hand.

"Hey little man, how are you feeling?" Maddie asked him as she felt his head with the back of her hand, he was definitely heating up and hot. "Hot." he replied with reddish cheeks, sweat on his brow. "I can imagine bud, Can you tell me your name?" she asked him as she put her stethoscope in and listened to his heart and lungs. His heart rate was beating like crazy, which was yet another bad sign.

"Noa." he told her, looking up at her, his eyes fluttering open and shut. "That's a beautiful name. Stay with me okay Noa?" she asked him, seeing the signs of him going syncope. "You know my little brother is called Noa as well." she told him, doing anything to keep his attention which in turn would hopefully keep him awake.

"Yea?" he asked her, starting to slouch his words as he leant more and more on Yatesy. "He's nine how old are you?" she asked him. "Six." he replied as she pulled the oxygen mask over his head and put in on his face. "You like my necklace?" she asked him as she noticed him trying to grab it. "You want to hold onto it for me?" she asked him as she went to reach for the clasp before giving it to him, if he had something to occupy him, there was a bigger chance of his staying concious. "Let's get him to the tower, we need to get his temperature down fast." she told the men around her as he turned her necklace over and over again in his little hands.

Whippet was quick to pick him up and placed him on the back of the Rhino, whilst Yatesy drove them towards the tower. The moment they arriveed there, Whippet and Yatesy helped get him inside. "Yatesey can you soak a couple of towels in luke warm water?" she asked him as she went to get one of the IV bags she'd placed in the fridge. Apparently the agreement had been made that whenever Maddie would need help one or more would assist her. that had apparently been agreed upon before she'd arrived even. She was grateful for it, in a hospital, the nurses helped out as well, it made it easier for the doctor to focus on the person there for help.

When she returned with the cold bag, she inserted the needle and when he didn't cry it was yet another warning sign for her. Her necklace he'd been holding onto was now laying on his chest. Looking for a hook to hang the bag on she found none and made a note to ask Hoppo for one before asking Whipped it he could hold it up.

"Have his parents been found yet?" she asked them, looking at Yatesy as he helped her undress the little man before putting the towels over his body. "No the guys are searching for them on the beach." H informed them from above the cabinets as she nodded her head. "Noa, you still awake?" she asked him as crouched down beside him so they were eye to eye. "Yea." he mumbled softly as she felt for his pulse on his wrist. "That's good bud, so where are you from?" she asked him, having recognised the British accent from the beach.

"London." he replied, starting to slur his words less. "Really, where did you live in London?" she asked him, keeping him occupied. She hoped that the guys would find him, how could anyone lose sight of their child. That was something she'd never be able wrap her mind around.

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