
Illumi slipped his drink in a hidden corner of the ballroom, this job had taken a detour. The target, Samuel, had several bodyguards all strong nen users who were not letting anyone near the male.

All in all; illumi was getting annoyed, for some reason whenever the female was involved he never seemed to be able to complete his job without any floors, it was making he look like an amateur. Like the whole universe was against him doing his job while with the brown haired female.

He signed eyes flickering around the room, he wouldn't admit it but he was distracted by the female. He wanted to know how she ticked but so far she had brought more trouble than she was worth.

"Illumi, what happened to your side of the plan?" a smooth voice asked from beside him.

He glanced causally at the shapeshifter before looking towards the dance floor. "His bodyguards won't let anyone near him, their strong nen users we need a distraction"

Mari pondered for a moment, eyes flickering across the ballroom, a distraction eh? What could they use...?

"we got less than ten minutes before the bloodbath upstairs is discovered by then we need to have vanish... what to use?" Mari muttered, eyes still scanning the room before a flash black marble caught her attention.

"Bingo~" she purred before producing a pair of earplugs from thin air. "Put these in and don't take them out till the target is killed. I will be the distracted, you know the queue when you see it okay?"

The male nodded, swiftly putting in the earplugs before nodded to the sliver haired female.

Mari smile before moving away towards the grand piano.

One thing she learnt from the labs at the island, it that one couldn't have too many skills. The more skills you had the easily it was to get into places you shouldn't. The main being a cook, as chef you can easily get into the servant quarters, which from experience means you can get almost anywhere and on the plus side, poisoning food becomes easily too.

Next is being a dancer, backstage always welcomes you. People concentrate more on your body and outfit than your face, then some even paid for more services, meaning it's too easy to meet someone one on one.

Then being a doctor always has its perks. You can literally get anywhere pulling that card no gangster will turn you away if you can 'save' his friends life. So that's easy to get into mafia circles.

And finally a musician. Not her strongest skill but being a pianist has almost the same perks as a dancer thought you're more likely to get into the higher ranking parties and balls to do your magic. Plus no one even suspects the musician.

Gracefully she sat at the piano, careful of the watchful eyes lingering on back as she uncovered the keys. Taking a deep breath she started to play, fingers elegantly playing a soft tune. The volume around her died as everyone watched, she let her arura seep into the keys and pace increase. Everyone's eyes were on her as she entrapped them in her music.

The thing about being a shifter is that if you had the knowledge you could use it, currently she looked human but she was far from it. Instead she had changed to herself to something similar to a siren, leading sailors to their deaths, hence way she had made illumi were the earplugs.

Mari smiled slyly as her playing became lounder and faster, as if the player was slowly losing control.

Illumi watched, though he couldn't hear the music, he could feel the power coming off her. He watched as the people around him, stopped what they were doing and what her. He waited as one by one the guards around dropped their guards, as if the music was lulling them into a false sense of security.

He waited into the last of the guards dropped his guard, as the last note were being played he stroke. A signal needle implanting itself into the males head.

The music stopped as the body hit the floor and the doors burst opened, armed man entering the room guns at the ready. A sadistic smile spread across her face as she slowly stood from the piano and made her way over to the disguised male.

"Well that was alleviating, time to go~" she purred as chaos swarmed around them.

"You their stop!" a man yelled running up to the pair, "no one can lea-"

He was cut off by the slender hand grabbing his throat. The room descended into silence before a sickening crack echoed though the ballroom.

"Oops~" she purred giving the crowd a sadistic smirk, "looks like I overdid it~"

"How subtle of you" illumi stated bluntly besides her.

"What can I say it's all part of the plan"

Illumi sighed, "Lead the way"

Mari grinned before running down the corridor out onto the street illumi beside her and the guards hot on their heels.

"Why did you not inform me on this part of the plan?" questioned the emotionless male.

"I will explain, get in" she gesture to the car stationed before them. He quickly sat in the passenger sit while Mari shot-gunned the driver's seat.

Within no time the car was up and running. Speeding down the highway while their pursuers followed.

"Explain" illumi stated, not at all fused about the car case he was involuntary taking par it.

"The client doesn't want any lose ends, so the plan it to 'get caught' run away before crashing and fake dying, sweetie"

"I see" illumi commented as Mari turned the wheel sharply speeding round a corner as bullets zoomed pass them. "And you neglected to tell me why?"

Mari pouted, "I wanted to see your expression but as usual yours stone faced" she signed, before storming the car down the road not caring about the flashing light behind them.

Illumi signed, before looking out the window, "looks like they have backup," he stated calmly.

"Yeah?" She questioned before taking a look herself, "oh yeah your right, well were close now"

The pair continued to drive dangerously fast down narrows roads, their pursers hot on their tail. On the outside the scene was chaotic engines roaring, bullets flying, people screaming, however inside the car Mari and illumi looked as if they were enjoying a peaceful car journey though the countryside.

She gave him a quick smile, before passing him her clutch, "keep hold of that and on the count of three jump out, there's a balcony by the bridge you can jump it. I met ya in the hotel room k~?"


Mari grinned before zipping the car around a corner, the back end swinging out dangerously, "1, 2, 3!" she yelled, while he jumped.

He landed safely on the balcony she mentioned. Not a moment later the car crashed, a fume of smoke and fire covered the sky before bridge gave way, causing the car to be swallowed by the water. There was a screech of tyres as their persecutors caught up rushing to the screen. He didn't say to watch, instead he moved, heading back towards the hotel.

Hoping, just hoping that the crazy girl had killed herself in the explosion.  

To be continued... 

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