Part 2 : Reality

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The Berry is here to bring you the second part of this fanfic~ yay, this time you'll get to SEE what was happening between Aichi and Kai hehe ;3
The berry sadly doesn't own cardfight vangaurd, Bushiroad owns it sadly.

"Hey Onii-chan are you exited for today's matches?"

Kamui asked his blue haired friend eagerly as they waited for the tournament to start, all of team Q4 was present.

"Ah yeah sure..."

Aichi replied with a slight smile, his voice sounded a little pained and he winced as he had been occasionally wincing as he walked throughout the day.

The lavender haired girl who was with them looked at Aichi with concern in her blue eyes. The blue haired boy moved back a bit uneasy at the closeness of another person.

"Aichi, you seem unwell... Are you sure you don't want to sit out?"

Misaki asked, Aichi looked away, not wanting to meet the other teen's eyes. The boy knew he wasn't sick, he was just sore due to a certain jade eyed brunette who was now also looking at him with slight concern.

"Ah, yeah I'm okay just... Sore I'll be able to fight today no need to worry"

The blue haired boy quickly replied, he didn't like causing worry for others when there was nothing seriously wrong. Kamui frowned at him, his red eyes gazing intently into Aichi's sapphire ones.

A green haired man wearing glasses walked up to the four teens, he smiled kindly towards Aichi.

"Aichi rest if you're not feeling well, that's an order as the manager of team Q4"

The blue haired boy sighed in defeat at Nitta Shin's order as he headed towards the infirmary. Kai followed after him.

"I'll make sure he stays in the infirmary"

The brunette explained, their friends looked at the two retreating backs with confusion. Kai didn't usually pay any attention towards their blue haired friend.

The blue haired boy opened the door of the infirmary and peeked inside, it was completely empty so the nurse must have already left for lunch. Kai nudged the him into the room and made him lay on one of the soft beds.

"This is you're fault Kai-kun..."

Aichi sighed sadly as he looked up into the brunette a jade eyes. Kai looked at him confused.

"My fault? How?"

Kai's voice was calm and the worry in his voice was almost perfectly concealed. The blue haired looked away as he blushed slightly.

"You were too rough last night... Everyone though I was sick when I'm not..."

A slight smirk crawled over the brunette's face as he sat down beside the blue haired boy and ruffled his soft blue hair.

"Rough? Maybe I can make it up to you then, you're sore right?"

Aichi nodded timidly as he bunched himself in the beige blankets of the bed.

"Why don't a massage the soreness away?"

"Sure why not?..."

With his answer Kai instructed Aichi to lay flat on his stomach, the younger boy easily followed the older's instructions. Kai rubbed his handed together before gently rubbing his hands on Aichi's back.

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