Future Girl

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Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Charmed or any of the characters from the show. Eliana Blackwell, however, is mine. For anyone who has NOT ever seen the show, be warned, there WILL be spoilers and it would be helpful to at least look up a summary of what the show is about as I don't know how much time I am going to spend on explaining all of the background details. This story starts of in the middle of season 6 and will follow the show script except where I deviate. As always, feel free to like, share, and comment any thoughts :)


I managed to find this spell in the Book of Shadows. You NEED to use it to go back in time and stop him from ever turning evil. Good luck!

~ The Shadow Queen

Chris breathed heavily as he read over the note. For months now, he had been receiving mysterious notes from someone calling themselves the 'Shadow Queen'. They were clearly someone who had managed to infiltrate high within Wyatt's ranks as their information had always been helpful in the Resistance's attempts to thwart Wyatt's plans.

Chris let out another sigh. He knew he had to follow the instructions in the note. It was the only way to save the future. He got up and went to go find his Fiancé, Bianca. With her help, he was going to go back to the past.


Chris stood in the attic flipping through the pages of the Book of Shadows. The 'neurotic whitelighter' paused as he landed on a promising page. He read over the description of the demon and then added his name to the growing list of suspects.

For the past few months since he'd arrived at the Halliwell manor and become the Charmed Ones whitelighter, Chris had been solely focused on trying to find the demon who would turn his big brother evil. He rubbed his eyes and continued to rift through the pages desperately. He knew whoever turned Wyatt managed to do so before he was born and he was running out of time.

He took one last look through the book before closing it with a thud and orbing to P3, the club that Piper owned.


"Paige, where you been? You're late." Piper said noticing her orange-haired sister finally walking up to the bar.

"I know, I'm sorry, I got tied up." Paige replied as she sat down next to her two sisters.

"Where? At Richard's?" Phoebe piped up as she lifted her head from her Chinese-American dictionary. Her current boyfriend/boss, Jason Dean, was currently in Hong Kong and she had recently taken up the task of learning some basic words.

"No. I was at work. Get your mind out of the gutter, missy." Paige said, glaring at Phoebe.

"Hey, you're the one who orbs home to find lingerie." Phoebe responded, lifting her hands in the air innocently.

"Two times, I did that twice!"

"Yes, it's about the only time we see you anymore!" Said Piper.

"Why did I come here? To get picked on?" Paige threw her hands up in the air and faked getting up to leave.

"Because we love you." Phoebe responded, sticking her tongue out at her sister.

"We kinda miss ya." Piper chimed in.

"I am not at Richard's that much. Fine, okay, maybe I am. But, you know I am just an orb away if you need help." Paige said, a little flustered as she blushed.

"Yeah, the thing is we've just gotta be careful because if we stay too far away from each other, demons take advantage. We've learned that lesson the hard way a few times." Piper said calmly.

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