
"Here with you! We want to see that everything will be okay."


"See, I told you", Ever said looking at Rufus who huffed.

"Dear, what did you mean with your answer?" he asked and Freed thought about it.

"It's a funny word. Okay", Freed said and Rufus looked at Ever lifting his eyebrows. "I think I'm getting hungry, I should make some food", Freed decided and was getting up and almost fell down from the bed.

"You just stay there", Rufus said helping him back on the bed and others sighed in relief that he didn't fall. "You understand me? You can't get up from this bed, it's forbidden now", Rufus said looking straight to Freed's eyes.

"Hmm? How are you going to keep me down? With ropes?" Freed smirked.

"Okay! I've heard enough", Magaidh said and she stepped out of the infirmary. Porlyusica had left already minutes ago.

"I'm not going to tie you down", Rufus chuckled amused. "But you have to stay still now for a while. It's for your own good, you do that for me?"

"Of course", Freed smiled and he patted Rufus' cheek, or more like his nose. "Anything for you, dear. I should make food for you too."

"No, you're staying in bed", Rufus chuckled.

"Aww... I don't like just slacking here when I could do something..."

"You're staying here", Rufus said touching Freed's nose. "No arguments."

"That's so sappy", Bickslow snorted. "Hey Freed! Would you want to go meet others?!" he smirked and it was probably his energetic and enthusiastic tone that made Freed also excited.

"Who would we meet?" he asked.

"Don't incite him", Laxus scolded smacking Bickslow's head. "He can't leave the infirmary, that was what Porlyusica said. Let's just go and let Freed relax. Are you sure you're gonna be alright?" he asked looking at the rune mage who nodded. "Okay, good. We'll be here in guild house until we know there won't be any danger anymore, alright?"

"I understand, Laxus", Freed nodded. "I shall accompany you -"

"No you won't, you dope. You're staying here, that's an order."

Freed stayed silent, until he lowered his gaze.

"I understand", he said.

"Now you made him sad!" Ever shouted slapping Laxus' shoulder.

"He's not sad, he's just high", the lightning dragon slayer snapped. "I'm sure he doesn't even remember anymore what we were talking!"

"I do remember", Freed assured when he realised they were talking about him. "We were... It was... What were we talking about?"

"Okay, you might be right", Ever muttered to Laxus.

"I should really -" Freed said trying to move again but Rufus pushed him back.

"Stay put, Freed, I really mean it", the memory mage said before Freed would try to get up again. "You're not going anywhere."

"Good luck with keeping him down", Bickslow snickered as they turned towards the door. "He's always been a really difficult patient."

"I have noticed it already", Rufus grunted, remembering the morning in his house when Freed had hurt himself in the kitchen.

"We're staying near so if something comes up, just shout", Laxus said and they finally stepped out of the infirmary.

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