Chapter 14

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They arrived at the Hargeon in a good time before sunset. They had more than enough time to find a place where to spend their night.

"I actually know one nice place", Freed smiled as they walked through the busy main street that was full of different shops.

"Really?" Rufus hummed and he looked around curiously.

"It's not far from here. It is a nice little tavern. Not much space but really comfortable."

"What about the view?"

"It's okay. You can see the docks well and the sea."

"That's not enough", Rufus decided. "I don't want to admire the sunset through between the ships."

"Fine", Freed huffed. "You spoiled rich boy", he smirked making Rufus snap his glare at him.

"If I were you, I would watch out what I slip out between those beautiful lips", he warned, but with a playful chuckle and touched Freed's lips with his finger. "This spoiled rich boy might reserve us a beautiful suite from most exclusive hotel in this town with own little garden."

"Scary", Freed grinned.

"And in that garden there will be a dog house where you will sleep."

"Now I'm terrified."

Rufus chuckled and kissed Freed's cheek, making the rune mage smile. It was nice that they could joke like this about each other.

"If you want another place, should we ask around a bit?" Freed asked when they kept walking.

"No, I actually know what would be the best place for us to stay", Rufus smiled.

"I should have known", Freed huffed. "You probably have some hotel here where you are a regular."

"No", Rufus chuckled. "However, when I last time stayed in Hargeon I spend my night at this one place I found quite pleasant. I think we should head there. It is a beautiful hotel with a great view towards the sea."

"Big and fancy?"


"So in the end, you're going to do exactly what you threatened you would."

"Well not exactly."


"There is no dog house", Rufus smirked and Freed laughed. Well, if Rufus really wanted to get a room from a better hotel, guess he was okay with it.

Freed was confused when they walked along the road to the eastern part of the town, towards the big cliffs.

"So where are we going?" he asked when they stopped by the nice little cable car. "I don't think I even knew this was here", he confessed looking at the little car that was waiting in it's place.

"No wonder", Rufus smiled. "This cable car is only for that hotel to use. I will make us a reservation and then we can ride with this, just wait a second", he said and went to talk with the workers who would take care of the cable car and take the reservations and so on.

Freed just huffed and sat down. Seriously, that hotel must be something extraordinary if it even had its own cable car. Was the hotel at the top of the cliff? He had no idea there were buildings there. He just sat there and wondered these things until Rufus returned and he stood up.

"We are ready to go", the memory mage smiled and he took Freed's hand on his own. "You're not scared of highs, are you?"

"No", Freed chuckled. Oh yeah, Rufus didn't even know that he could actually fly. But this was nice too, he sat on the chair and one of the workers stepped in the car with them, closing the door.

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