Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Hanji: Hey, let's watch Netflix!

Hanji: You busy?

Hanji: TONIGHT!!!!

Levi: I'm not.

Levi: But I don't want to waste my precious weekend on you.

Thus, the next day, the brunette was all over the raven-haired man.

"Levi, as you see, The Titans actually had their own talk show uploaded on Netflix. I really want to watch it but it's quite lonely to watch it by myself." Hanji continued to explain as they walked down the hallways.

The shorter man didn't reply. Heck, he would rather clean the whole backyard of his house than watch some fucking emo punks on a flat-screen tv doing useless shits.

"Hey," Hanji pulled his arm a little bit. "Come on, just once? Okay?"

"No." He replied flatly.

Hanji continued to whine as the woman slid her arm with his. She was rattling him and all he could do was deepen the scowl on his face and shot a glare at every eye that landed on them. Indeed, seeing the infamous thug getting touchy with the mad scientist isn't for everyday news. Others were in complete bewilderment upon seeing the scene.

Whispers were exchanged and Levi immediately pulled off his arm away from the brunette.

"Get off me!" He said irritatedly as he glared at her.

Hanji only pouted at this, "But Levi! I even went with you to that concert without any complaints! You ought to do the same!"

Levi cringed as more whispers were heard. It seems like the shitty woman beside him didn't even notice or took the damn time to realize where the fuck they are.

"It's because I only had you to ask that kind of fucking favor. Mind you, you gained something good by coming with me." Levi huffed out.

Hanji frowned at this, "We-well! You don't even know yet if you'd actually gain something good or not. Anyway, it's just a fucking movie. Come on! You don't have to be shy."

Dust of red was evident on the pale white skin of the infamous man. The by-watchers could only gasp at the rare scene beholding before them.

"I'm not fucking shy, you shitty four-eyes!" Levi yelled as he stormed away from the brunette.

"O-oi!" Hanji called out as she walked fast to follow her friend.


"I've noticed this for a while but you've become close with Hanji, Levi." Erwin mentioned suddenly during their club time.

Sitting by the corner while reading a book, the shorter man didn't even look up at him as he replied.

"Shut up. It's none of your business." He said nonchalantly as he sipped on his tea.

"Rumors had spread after your bickering earlier morning by the hallways."

Levi rolled his eyes at this, "That woman doesn't have a sense of appropriateness."

"But you actually agreed with her request right? Despite all the counters and disagreements, I'm quite sure you'd still agree on it anyway."

Levi didn't reply at this. He only furrowed his eyebrow further to show that he's very engrossed in his work and wouldn't want to get bothered.

"Well... what's to lose anyway? It's not like it's your first time going to her house!" Erwin laughed, "Her house is pretty huge, right? I've been there once back when she was still fresh from her accident."

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