Connor Kenway x Wife Reader (Part 2)

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"Hope this will make you and Y/N satisfied." He was about to leave when Connor stopped him."We are expecting another child." Connor said which mabe Haytham stop and look his son,"Congratulations, I wish you a happy life son. Make sure not to do my mistake." He smiled sadly and went back to the inn.

"I won't, father."

Years later:-

Connor was forced to kill his father and to make things more heated,Y/N went to labor. Connor quickly made his way to her, she was still fighting the pain. After long hours of screaming and squeezing the hell out of Connor's hand, they finally had their babies.

Yes, that's right. Y/N give a birth to a twin, a boy and a girl. Connor was beyond happy as well as Y/N too. They named them Emily and Erin.

This time, Connor kept his promise to Y/N.


Y/N was setting with both of her children, waiting for Connor to come back for lunch."Mama, where's daddy?" Emily asked as Y/N fixed her hair. She had Connor's brown hair and Y/N's E/C eyes while Erin who was the elder had his father's hair and eyes. "He will be here soon." Y/N said, smiling happily at her. "I'm hungry, I want to eat." Erin said with a cute huff as he crossed his arms. "Just a little bit."

Suddenly, the door was open and there stood Connor. Erin and Emily squealed happily and ran to their father who knelt down and opened his arms to embrace them.

"Papa, you came." Emily said happily.

"Come on, mama prepared our favorite food." Erin said.

The five years old twin pulled their father inside. Y/N walked to him with a bright smile, "Welcome home." She said. "Yes, I'm back." He walked toward her her, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her into a kiss.

"Eww, papa's kissing mama!! Cover your eyes." Erin said.

Y/N and Connor pulled away and laughed when they saw their children covering their eyes. Y/N picked up Erin while Connor picked up Emily, "I'm so hungry, let go and eat." Connor said, walking to the dining room to eat. Both of the kids clapped their hands and they ate lunch.

After that, Connor started to play with them as he promised while Y/N cleaned the kitchen. She could hear them laugh and ran around the room while Connor chasing them. Suddenly, Y/N heard heavy footsteps running toward the kitchen and felt a pair of arms around her waist. The twin gasped as they entered the kitchen, "Oh no, the evil dragon got princess mama!!" Emily said, pretending to be scared and shocked. "Don't worry, I will save her!!" Erin said as he pointed his wooden sword at Connor.

Y/N giggled at the adorable twin. "I will take the princess with me and you will never save her." Connor laughed as he picked up Y/N bridal style and ran out of the kitchen with the twin following behind, "Oh no!! Please save me my sweet knights!!" Y/N said, playing along with them. The laughter felled the house as the happy family played together.

This continued all day and the twin ended up sleeping in the livingroom after dinner. Y/N and Connor took them to their room and tucked them in the bed. Then they made their way to their room to sleep as well. They both cuddled for a few minutes, "They are so hyperactive." Connor said as he stroked Y/N's H/L H/C hair, "They have been looking for to spend sometime with you." Y/N said, giggling slightly.

"I'm glad that I had a family like this. Thank you for this gift Y/N, I love you so much."

"Don't thank me, we were together in this. I love you too Connor."

Both of them slept, dreaming of what they could do in the future.


"You did the right thing Haytham, he is happy now."

"I hope so... father. I hope so."

They were unaware of the souls of Haytham and Edward watching them.

They both were happy for this Kenway family.


Sorry if it was long, but I got a lot of ideas about it.

Connor:- Just....WOW.

You see, the readers want you to have a happy ending. They love you Big Bear.

Connor:- Well, thank you for requesting this story.

Come here and give a hug.

Connor:- What!?...*Runs away*....Go away!!

*Chases after him*...Come back here!!!

See you soon.

Be amazing.

Assassins X Reader ( Assassin's Creed One Shot)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora